We are amidst the interplay of two insatiable fires… What are those?
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There is an insatiable fire around us that every moment causes ripples upon the seat of our understanding. Within us; Countless desires longing to fulfill themselves create various tides of upsurge… anger, lust, greed, hatred, jealousy etc are different accompaniments of the craving raised by yearnings that keep penetrating within us each day. The mischievous act of these forces operates in form of a fire; a fire that is insatiable.
We are amidst the interplay of two insatiable fires… What are those?
There is an insatiable fire around us that every moment causes ripples upon the seat of our understanding. Within us; Countless desires longing to fulfill themselves create various tides of upsurge… anger, lust, greed, hatred, jealousy etc are different accompaniments of the craving raised by yearnings that keep penetrating within us each day. The mischievous act of these forces operates in form of a fire; a fire that is insatiable.
And the more this fire finds ground to display its character the more it gathers ability to arouse turbulent agitation within our existence.
Resultantly we sleep yet not deep, we entertain our self yet the quest remains at same levels, we acquire various objects and subjects yet harmony evades us, we do all to all whom we love the most and yet they affirm as bereft of our attention and love. We prevail as inconsiderate of all that we have and displeased of all that we do not possess.
This insatiable fire that swings any human life is termed as ‘illusion ‘ under Indian Ethos.
Illusion leads to delusion and delusion further leads to elusion of harmonious growth the actual business sought from any soul upon this planet… by the one that envisioned it at first (the creator)…
A harmonized insight could alone ever understand the play of such insatiable fire and wisely author its basic charter; as its pursuit in ones life. A harmonized insight could alone ascertain its right direction, resources and their appropriate utilization to further the journey of a soul towards growth… that otherwise shall find its due evolution under a delayed schedule running into many more lives.
Yet there is another insatiable fire within us that is always that is there but devoid of its due ‘say’ that can enable it exercise effectively in the normal functioning of our daily lives. That another insatiable fire is the one that is the actual effulgence from our soul… soul the spark of the creator of this creation.
Though this fire is mostly unheard or unheeded yet it never leaves the turf within our existence. It continuously voices its concerns; time and again irrespective of the disregard paid toward it… The fire of illusion is the most active one that controls the reins of our conduct through direct interference upon our sensory organs whereas the other fire that we term as the effulgence of our soul though strongest of all; yet remains inactive on mere one count that the subject (our seat of understanding) stands mortgaged to the fire of illusion. Remember that though the insatiable fire of illusion is generally at the helm yet the fire of the effulgence of our soul does not refrain to act as our inner voice. Both the fires interplay within us and that is why that accomplishment of one force leaves us unaccomplished.
Those who are able to dissipate the fire of illusion and tender the seat of understanding to the fire that is effulgence of soul are the ones that become the Great men and women upon this planet… they are the ones that are beacon and source of energy for the rest; inconsiderate of credit in any form.
The solution lies in fueling the right fire continually. The solution lies in learning under discipline the manner of regulating the fuel supply to the two fires that interplay within us… the solution lies in the journey of a desire2will. Fueling many desires or a composite true will. Desirewill.com
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_We are amidst the interplay of two insatiable fires… What are those? _70413.aspx
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Keywords :
Inner growth, Self Development, Learning under discipline, desire2will, yoga, meditation, ancient knowledge, India ethos, kno,
Category :
Self Improvement