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We all are well aware with the blogs.

Posted On : Dec-09-2011 | seen (275) times | Article Word Count : 413 |

Best blog have the content which is filtered by all the contents and put on the website that is why it is known as best blog. Best blog are really interactive which allows visitors to add their comments or send any messages.
We all are well aware with the blogs. But for some of you I want to give you a brief description about what is blog? Blog or best blog is a type of website where content is updated timely by person who is in charged of writing the blogs or by common people who are interested to write their own blog. It is usually maintained by a person where an individual gives commentary, feedback, revives, description of any event or any video. In simple words Best blog is used to add content on the website by any individual. Usually the entries are displayed in reverse chronological order.

Best blog have the content which is filtered by all the contents and put on the website that is why it is known as best blog. Best blog are really interactive which allows visitors to add their comments or send any messages. Best blog provide a brief and useful commentary on any particular subject it can be on fashion, lifestyle, gadgets etc. Best blog also have function of personal diaries. A blog has a combination of images, text messages and also it links to other blogs, websites on the same subject. Mostly the best blog are textual. Some focus on art known as art blog, photos (photoblog), music, audio which is known as podcasting, videos as video blogging and other type of blogging is microblogging which features of very short posts on the particular topic.

Research shows that till this February 2011 there was around 160 million public blogs into existence. Blogs came between late 90s and early 20s. Initially it had a slow start but within a short span of time it gained so much popularity. Now there are so many varieties in blogs which resulted in different types of blogs. It is different in the writing of the content and topic of the content. Some of the main and best blogs are personal blog, corporate or business blog, others are characterized by device, genre and media.

Personal blogs are very common and widely used by all because it is like a personal diary. A person can share his/her thoughts about nature, politics, life, etc. This blog seems to be never ending blog. In this blog an individual has a lot of stuff to write on. Sometimes these blogs injects and boost up other person in taking a right decision. Personal blog can also be termed as microblog.

Article Source : all are well aware with the blogs. _116761.aspx

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John logan writes professionally for a variety of websites, covering topics such as zimkix directory . He is currently studing Creative Writing at Birkbeck College. Find more information on list of paid directories .

Keywords : zimkix directory ,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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