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Ricky Dean has 24 Published Articles

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West Street

Ways You Can Exercise at Home without Expensive Equipment

Posted On : Jul-16-2010 | seen (427) times | Article Word Count : 640 |

A lot of people want to stay or get in shape, but either don't have the room or money to purchase exercise equipment. Check out these tips on exercising at home without exercise equipment.
Everyone is concerned about their health and it is being raised as a top level priority that diet and exercise should be a part of the daily ritual no matter that you are busy. It is now a concern of the WHO that more and more Americans are getting malnourished by the minute and the number of heart attacks has raised considerably because of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Going on a diet is easily accomplished and it could also be a great shift as this will keep the budget better. Fruits, vegetable, fish and water are much cheaper compared to a lot of red meat and pork and chicken which have become very expensive and unhealthy because of the steroids and growth enhancers that are fed to them.

The difficult part to accomplish is the exercise. Most people are under the mistaken assumption that when exercising, they would need all the home gym equipment to exercise at home or have to pay staggering fees for a membership in a private gym.

When talking exercise, it means that you have to move and that means you can move your body without really having to rely on machines. Move by walking. Walking a flight of stairs is a good cardiovascular workout and it is also good for the buns. You don’t need a Stairmaster to go up a flight of stairs several times, right?

Next, don’t just lie around and wait for the trash to pick itself up and go outside, neither will the dust sweep itself out of the house, neither will the bed fix itself. This is not Hogwarts and there are no house elves to do the job for you. Get up, grab a duster and broom and move! Clean house, before you know it, you are sweating toxin-full sweat. How do you know there are lots of toxins? Well, the sweat smells rancid for the first few times that you sweat, continue to do so regularly and notice the difference in smell.

Another is play! Children are not the only ones who can play, adults need to play too. Run around with the dog who will love that exercise and will love you too, if no dog and you only have a bird, then look for something else like a hula hoop. Hula hooping will make you develop a 6 pack after a month or two of using, so yes, even men should hula hoop.

Another toy? How about the jump rope? Manny Pacquiao uses that when he works out and definitely has competitions with his sons at home. So if a world class boxing champ can play with jump ropes, no excuses you can’t either.

Jogging or running is not for everyone as it can place pressure on the knees. Clear with your doctor first if your body can take the pressure. If you are cleared, then start slowly. Do not think to jog 15 miles the first try. Jog for certain lengths and then slow down, gradually build your strength and increase the distance every week or so. Once the body gets used to the jogging, you would know because you won’t feel as tired as when you first tried.

Workout videos can be bought anywhere, hey, there are even some online which can be downloaded for free. Instead of eating pizza and drinking beer all day in front of the TV, get up and have some fun with the workout or dance videos. Yes, dancing is great exercise too, so no excuses there either.

It is important to exercise the toxins away from the body and develop good muscle. Don’t think that expensive equipments and gyms are the only way to exercise, do it from home or the great outdoors and develop a great body for free.

Article Source : You Can Exercise at Home without Expensive Equipment_25830.aspx

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Ricky Dean is a professional article writer for For more free exercise tips, visit Dinosauric Writers Community. Note: This article may be reprinted in your ezine, blog, or website as long as the credits remain in tact and hyperlinks remain active.

Keywords : exercise, equipment, fitness, home,

Category : Health and Fitness : Fitness Equipment

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