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Vulnerability Assessment Services – an unusual way of protecting the network of an organization

Posted On : Aug-24-2011 | seen (630) times | Article Word Count : 481 |

Vulnerability assessment services which are being provided by network security companies are one of the best and emerging ways of protecting the network. Ironically, this protection only comes after the security company has hacked the network of its client. By hacking they will know where the problem is and will try to rectify it.
Network security is one of the major areas of concern for many organizations today as increasing number of organizations are experiencing the problems of network security breach. There was a time when only individuals were targeted. But, recently hackers have shifted their attention to large organizations. Many organizations are also on high alert for any hacker intrusions by turning up their security and firewalls.

In the recent past few organizations’ networks were hacked. The core business of the organization came to a standstill for some time. This was a financial service provider. Much of the information of the organization pertaining to customers was also stolen in the process. If an organization which is known to conduct financial transactions and is also known to be the safest mode of payments can be hacked, the plight of other organizations cannot be imagined. This will make the customers lose faith in the organization and would cost the company a fortune, fighting the law suits that will be put by the customers for mishandling of their information.

Today, many network security companies are being established which are offering services such as vulnerability assessment services which are best suited for assessing whether an organization’s network security is strong or not. Vulnerability Assessment Services, as the name itself suggests assesses the vulnerability of the security of an organization.

It is the process in which the network security company tries to penetrate into the network of the organization without a security authentication. For this purpose, the network security company will have to find points or weak spots in the network which can allow for a security breach to take place. This process is not done once, but a few times and on different places in the network so that the number of weak spots can be known exactly.

Vulnerability Assessment services are also used in assessing web applications through which many online businesses are being run. Web applications can also be hacked or a malware can be sent via these applications into the host server. An advanced network and system analysis will reveal the presence of these malwares.

Malwares like these can include viruses, worms, spyware, trojan horses, etc and are placed by hackers in web applications which play havoc on the host server and sometimes, the information pertaining to the business is transmitted to the hackers. With issues like these, there is always a danger of penetration and worse, information theft. Hackers and their pets can only work when the network has any potential for security breaches, in other words, weak spots. If these weak spots are found before hackers and are sealed off, then they cannot possibly penetrate the network.

With many companies offering network security services, such as vulnerability assessment services and penetration testing services, one can be sure of that their network is much safer.

Article Source : Assessment Services – an unusual way of protecting the network of an organization_76364.aspx

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Keywords : Vulnerability Assessment, Vulnerability assessment services,

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