Voting Equipment The Prime Requirement of Every Democracy
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Democracy is aptly said to be the government of the people, for the people, by the people. But can democracy today meet these high ideals without proper voting equipment to be used in voting booths and polling booths across the democratic countries?
Democracy is aptly said to be the government of the people, for the people, by the people. But can democracy today meet these high ideals without proper voting equipment to be used in voting booths and polling booths across the democratic countries?
Any knowledgeable person’s answer will be in the negative. Elections today are distorted by money power, muscle power, and all sorts of malpractices, to such an extent that they may be said to have been reduced to a farce in many developing and underdeveloped countries. Often, voting booths and polling booths are captured by musclemen of the candidates. Not infrequently, the people in power resort to false voting, stuffing the voting ballot box with their own votes, and even temper with the counting of votes. All these result in a situation where the democratic aspirations of the people are frustrated.
This frustration easily leads a country to turmoil, to a situation which proves to be a fertile ground for all sorts of separatist movements and insurgencies. Many countries facing these problems don’t realize how easily the people’s disenchantment can be given a vent by ensuring free and fair elections using modern election equipment developed specially for the purpose.
Voting equipment to be used in voting booths and polling booths, for example voting ballot box, provides an ideal way to conduct free and fair elections. These equipment are temper proof and cannot be manipulated by vested interests. They ensure accurate voting and counting of votes, resulting in completely error free results that reflect people’s true wishes.
Furthermore, modern elections have become such a difficult and complicated affair that good people can never hope to contest them, let alone win. In such a situation, even if elections are free and fair, they hardly make a difference as the choice before people is often a choice between the devil and the deep sea!
Modern voting equipment provides an answer even to this situation. There are a number of companies that make high quality campaign material. This campaign material is affordable and easy to use, and therefore, can give an advantage of high visibility to ordinary candidates who can’t spend millions on election campaigns.
Thus, voting equipment – not only that which is used in voting booths and polling booths to facilitate easy, accurate and temper proof elections – but also high quality and affordable campaign material for candidates, has provided an answer to the ills of modern democracy for developing and under developed countries.
Article Source : Equipment The Prime Requirement of Every Democracy_153641.aspx
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The author of this article has expertise in Voting booth. The articles on voting ballot box reveals the author’s knowledge on the same. The author has written many articles on Voting booth as well.
Keywords :
Voting Booth, Voting Ballot box, Polling Booth, Voting Equipment,
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