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Viscometer Maker Renaming Cambridge Viscosity

Posted On : Dec-29-2011 | seen (212) times | Article Word Count : 533 |

"Our new name better describes who we are and what we do," - said the company president Rob Kasameyer. "We also have a new logo and a new graphical style, which represents the leading edge of our organization, our technology and our product features."

Cambridge Applied Systems, the viscosity of modern control technology pioneer, changed its name to Cambridge Viscosity, Inc..

"Our new name better describes who we are and what we do," - said the company president Rob Kasameyer. "We also have a new logo and a new graphical style, which represents the leading edge of our organization, our technology and our product features."

"Viscosity measurement of demand continues to grow in a world where quality, consistency and efficiency are increasingly important," - he continued. "We believe that our new identity will help reinforce our uncompromising commitment to quality and leadership in the field of recognition."

Viscometers, Process and Laboratory Applications

Cambridge Viscosity manufactures and markets a broad line of viscometers, and ship process and laboratory equipment. They use a patented self-cleaning sensor, electro-magnetic technology, which makes them very accurate, allowing them to have their calibration, and requires very little maintenance. They are known for reliability, repeatability and ease of operation.

With more than 8,000 installations worldwide, Cambridge Viscosity of customers that include Fortune 500 companies and their equivalents across North America, Asia, Europe and South America.

The most advanced automated viscosity analysis tool

One of the most successful companies of the new system VISCObot robotic viscometer, viscosity of the world's leading automated analysis tool.

They use a patented self-cleaning sensor, electro-magnetic technology, which makes them very accurate, allowing them to have their calibration, and requires very little maintenance. They are known for reliability, repeatability and ease of operation.

Viscosity measurement of demand continues to grow in a world where quality, consistency and efficiency are increasingly important," - he continued. "We believe that our new identity will help reinforce our uncompromising commitment to quality and leadership in the field of recognition."

He is known for its innovative hardware and software technology, and its ability to understand and meet the requirements of those who have a precise measurement of fluid viscosity to the success of management.

It is completely unattended, high throughput laboratory system, which frees up valuable technician hours and saves money on the viscosity of each test phase. It can measure the viscosity of virtually any type of sample bottle and presentation of results, but the information management system.

Cambridge Viscosity manufactures and markets a broad line of viscometers, and ship process and laboratory equipment. They use a patented self-cleaning sensor, electro-magnetic technology, which makes them very accurate, allowing them to have their calibration, and requires very little maintenance. They are known for reliability, repeatability and ease of operation.

"VISCObot was designed to seamlessly integrate the company's operating practices," according to sales manager, Jonathan Cole. "With its unique statistical trends would consistently collect and make available data as possible to reduce the sampling and the use of solvents and eliminate reporting errors, and cross-contamination of the results."

Of Cambridge Viscosity

Cambridge Viscosity, Inc. was founded in 1984 as Cambridge Applied Systems, Inc. He is known for its innovative hardware and software technology, and its ability to understand and meet the requirements of those who have a precise measurement of fluid viscosity to the success of management.

Article Source : Maker Renaming Cambridge Viscosity_126200.aspx

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Keywords : viscometer, digital viscometer,

Category : Business : Business

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