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Utilising an Article Marketing Campaign

Posted On : Nov-30-2011 | seen (278) times | Article Word Count : 668 |

If you own a company which has recently decided to expand its marketing campaign on to the internet then you will no doubt be looking to give yourself some SEO peace of mind by looking for an effective strategy which can help drive traffic to your website
If you own a company which has recently decided to expand its marketing campaign on to the internet then you will no doubt be looking to give yourself some SEO peace of mind by looking for an effective strategy which can help drive traffic to your website, and driving traffic to your website means you have a lot more potential customers on your hands. Just one such way to drive traffic to your website is by utilising an article submission service.

Do you need a new SEO strategy?

If your current SEO strategies are not working then you need an edge, and that edge can come in the form of an article marketing campaign. The way one of these marketing campaigns work is by creating a large number of articles, with unique content, and then submitting them to a variety of article directories or websites. Some of the popular websites include places like ehow and ezine articles, so these might be a good option for you. Content will normally revolve around subjects which are similar to what your company does.

Unique content is the key

An article submission service is usually the best way to get those articles out there, but first you have to be able to actually get a hold of the unique content to begin with. If you want to cut costs then you can attempt to write the content on your own, but if you are not a writer then you can’t be sure that the content will be fantastic and you can be sure that it will be time consuming to write. This is why it’s wise to employ the services of a reputable freelance writer to write these articles. The best option is to try and choose a freelance writer you can meet face to face as you can better communicate the needs of your business that way. But if you are more interested in cutting costs then it’s advised that you hire a writer online instead.

Article submission service

Once you have your unique articles on hand then you want to be searching for the best article submission service out there. The way an article submission service works is by submitting the articles to a variety of different article directories and popular websites. The articles will have all of your keywords in them before you get started so the theory is that when these keywords are typed into a search engine at least one of your website pages or articles will appear on the first few results pages. This is the essence of what SEO is, and the higher that you can get one of your pages the better chance you have of your company snagging that next customer.

Most submission services will work on your instructions as to where and when to post these articles. Where you place them is imperative because if they are just a batch of spun articles then certain sites will not accept them as they use human editors instead of bots to check articles. If you are looking to place your articles on these sites then you must make sure that the content is completely original beforehand. The originality of an article can be checked using one of the many services like copyscape. However, a note must be made that most of these services will charge you extra if you want to give them specific instructions because most offer their services based on a specific package.

To sum everything up, one of the most effective SEO tools is an article marketing campaign because it places your keyword and links to your site in more places around the internet. If you have more of these than your competitors then your site will appear above their websites in the search engines. And there are only two major steps to accomplishing this; employ a freelance writer and then search for an article submission service to get the job done.

Article Source : an Article Marketing Campaign_111937.aspx

Author Resource : is a full service provider of internet marketing. You’ll find plenty of advice on article submission service, home page creation, link building and all the tricks of SEO marketing.

Keywords : Article Submission Service, Article Submission, Bulk Article Submission, Unique Article Submission,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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