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Using a Radiator Calculator to Cut the Costs of Heating

Posted On : Apr-20-2011 | seen (387) times | Article Word Count : 473 |

One mistake many homeowners make when fitting their own heating systems is miscalculating the amount of radiators they need. You can make this task a lot easier by using a radiator calculator. This will help you work out exactly how many radiators you need on each floor before you invest any money
One mistake many homeowners make when fitting their own heating systems is miscalculating the amount of radiators they need. You can make this task a lot easier by using a radiator calculator. This will help you work out exactly how many radiators you need on each floor before you invest any money.

Why You Need a Radiator Calculator

The problem with replacing your heating system is that it can be quite expensive. This is why it is important to know how many radiators you really need. Otherwise you could be buying and installing radiators that are not necessary. This can drive up the costs of your heating project and push your budget to the limit. You may also end up overheating your home costing you additional money on your heating bills in the future.

It is also possible that you could underestimate the amount of radiators you need for your home as well. This could leave you with an inefficient heating system that is unable to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. If you have to turn your boiler up to full just to warm your house up then it is likely you do not have enough radiators installed.

As you can see it is very important that you have the correct of radiators in your home. This is the only way you can keep your budget down and also be sure your heating system will be able to function efficiently. A radiator calculator is one of the most useful tools to help you calculate the correct amount of radiators.

What do Radiator Calculators do?

Basically a radiator calculator will take certain information about your home and use these to calculate your heating requirements. The size of your rooms, amount of floors in your home and heat loss factors can all contribute to heating issues. It can be difficult to work these factors out manually.

You can find a number of radiator calculator tools available online. These are easy to use and will break down your heating requirements for you at the click of a button. Before you use radiator calculator you need to take some basic measurements from your home:

- Size and number of rooms

- Windows and doorways in each room

- Number of floors in your home

Additional Help

It is also a good idea to get additional help from professional heating experts. This is important if you are buying a different heating system to the one currently installed in your home. For example if you are switching from conventional heating to cast iron radiators then you will need extra advice. A cast iron radiator company will provide experienced salesmen and engineers who will be able to assist you with any questions you may have.

Article Source : a Radiator Calculator to Cut the Costs of Heating_59949.aspx

Author Resource :
If you are thinking about installing your own heating system then you can benefit from a radiator calculator tool. This will help you to work out the correct amount of radiators for your home before you start investing your money.

Keywords : radiator calculator, Paladin Radiators, Radiator Calculator, Cast Iron Radiators, BTU Calculator, BTU Calculations,

Category : Home and Family : Home Improvement

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