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Martin Metz has 86 Published Articles

United States of America,

User centered design and usability

Posted On : Feb-10-2011 | seen (302) times | Article Word Count : 409 |

User centered design tools can assist in the creation of user interfaces that are rooted in how users can, want, or need to work, instead of forcing the users to change how they work to accommodate the approach taken by the software developer.
Usability as one of the main goals of the user interface design process benefits not only from usability testing, but also from employing other methods of user centered design. User centered design allows designers to set realistic goals and objectives for the design of a user interface that balance the needs and limitations of the end user with the needs and goals of the designer or the organization employing the software application. User centered design tools can assist in the creation of user interfaces that are rooted in how users can, want, or need to work, instead of forcing the users to change how they work to accommodate the approach taken by the software developer. In order to achieve this goal, designers should make the needs of the user the central guiding force throughout each step of the interface design process:

• Web site / application planning
• Content creation
• Prototyping
• Usability testing
• Collecting user experience feedback

The benefits of employing the user centered design method are manifold because not only can you increase the popularity of a website of program, but you can also cut costs by developing applications that are successful on the first try.

Don't make me think!

Many users encounter problems with interface designs because web developers lose sight of the importance of simplicity during the development process. Interface designs often become convoluted and complex, ultimately requiring too much time and energy output from the user in order to understand and navigate a system. Steve Krug, author of „ Don't make me think: a common sense approach to usability“, has an excellent usability mantra: „Don't make me think!“. According to Krug, this motto is the first law of usability. If you want a web site to be successful then you have to make sure your users find it so easy to use that they literally don't have to think. This often means that designers have to think even more during the interface design process. Ensuring great usability in an interface design can be a very complex process, especially when the tasks to be accomplished with the application are complex. But the effort is worth it, since usable applications tend to be much more successful than those that require users to think about them too much. Not having to think – that is how you know your interface design has reached the level of usability required for success.

Article Source : centered design and usability_52085.aspx

Author Resource : – Interface Design, Wireframe Software, Wireframe Tools, Interface Design Software, Interface Prototyping, Clickable Wireframes, Usability Testing and Digital Paper Prototyping. UI Prototyping and Remote Website Usability Testing lead to an Improved Conversion!

Keywords : interface design, interface design software, interface design tool, wireframe software, wireframe tool, online wireframe tool,

Category : Computers : Software

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