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Useful precaution during pregnancy

Posted On : May-25-2011 | seen (581) times | Article Word Count : 533 |

Every women ask how to get pregnant? How This is possible?
If you and your partner have decided that the time is right for you to start your family, you may be thinking a lot about how to get pregnant as quickly as possible. First, congratulations! Family planning is an exciting venture and worthy of praise. You are on an adventure that will last a lifetime.In a normal pregnancy a woman earns about 11 kg (usually 1 kg in the first quarter and 5 kg each in the next two quarters). A weight gain of 5 kg in 40 days is not normal and could be the precursor of an underlying complication of pregnancy such as pregnancy-induced hypertension, where excess weight is due to excessive water retention. Pregnancy occurs when you have desire during ovulation period and one sperm manages to connect to the egg has been released. Release only one egg per month (unless there is some kind of irregularity, whose case could release two eggs and conceive twins), so there are about a dozen opportunities for you to get pregnant each year. The window of opportunity in each of these months can be as small as two or three days.

This can be very alarming for couples who want to know how fast I get pregnant, do not have to be.When you are considering the best way to get pregnant fast, try to remember that pregnancy is very difficult to control or force. Ultimately, are just going to have to wait for Mother Nature to help you along! Unlike many things in your life, pregnancy is not fully under their control. If you are a powerful woman who likes to do things at their own pace, then this may be difficult to swallow. Do not worry, there are still plenty of things you can do to help on how to get pregnant fast. When you are pregnant, you should make sure to wash all raw vegetables before consumption. Raw vegetables have the potential to carry toxoplasmosis, a parasite that is typically carried in cat feces. Sometimes you can get into the soil and contaminate fruits or vegetables. Many women are interested in trying natural alternatives to drugs during pregnancy. Some turn to herbal remedies. It is important that you consult your healthcare provider during pregnancy to ensure that an herb is safe before taking it. Some herbs can be harmful to you or your fetus and result in premature birth, birth defects or miscarriage. Some of the more commonly known herbs to avoid during pregnancy include: Goldenseal,Mugwort,Penny Royal,AloeVera,BlackCohosh,BuchersBroom,False Unicorn,Feverfew,Juniper,Lady's Mantle, Wormwood.

To Avoid For A Healthy Birth:

Prenatal vitamins are an important source of folic acid and other vital nutrients during pregnancy. And many women, with the popularity of herbal medicine, take other herbs during pregnancy. Some of these herbs can be taken before they have been for an existing condition. Others, you can take to help address some of the physical difficulties that go with pregnancy. The following supplements (Quinine , Ginseng, Ginkgo Bilobaetc.) and food additives should be avoided during pregnancy to avoid potential problems with the baby's health. For details information visit our site ‘ how to get pregnant ‘ .

Article Source : precaution during pregnancy_62833.aspx

Author Resource :
Learn how to get pregnant to get a free report on how to avoid common mistakes and seven pregnant faster. Eliminate the stress that comes from worrying about getting pregnant take control of their fertility. Visit for details information

Keywords : how to get pregnant,

Category : Health and Fitness : Women's Issues

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