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Jennifer Weinstein has 43 Published Articles

United States of America,
New York,
Worby Groner Edelman & Napoli Bern, LLP,
350 5th Avenue

Unforgettable hero of 9/11 terror incident, James Zadroga

Posted On : Dec-20-2011 | seen (228) times | Article Word Count : 511 |

James Zadroga 9/11 health and compensation act, aimed at providing financial aid to the victims thereby improving their healthy lifestyle.
James Zadroga was one of the main person in the ground zero clearance task that started immediately after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre. There was destruction all over. Thousands of people lost their lives and many of them lost their hope and zest to live.

James Zadroga was a New York police department officer, who was asked by the United States Government to supervise the task of the debris clearance. In doing so he came in close contact with a harmful toxic element called asbestos. As a result he developed with a serious respiratory disease which costed him his life. Within weeks James Zadroga was detected with severe cough and as days passed by, he developed respiratory turmoil and soon lost his life.

Besides James Zadroga, there were several other volunteers who helped in the rescue operation such as fire fighter, police personnel, clean up worker who were detected with serious health issues such as Acid Reflux Disease, Obstructive Airway Diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or Obstructive Lung Defects such as Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS), Asbestosis, and Mesothelioma Cancer.

Thus, in order to honor the brave act of the heroes of 9/11 terror attack, the Government of United States signed the James Zadroga Health and Compensation act. The act was aimed at providing health benefits to the ground zero workers and several other volunteers who had passed away due to exposure to harmful toxic elements at the rescue site.

The government not only extend a hand to the rescue operation workers of 9/11 terrorist attack, but also employees who had offices at the World Trade Centre, residents of the World Trade Centre area, as well as people employed in the area during the terror attack.

With the help of James Zadroga Health and Compensation Fund, thousands of people and families came forward to claim for the amount they were liable to get from the government.

The victims can also take the help of an experienced Zadroga Lawyer, who would provide best services to the sufferers within the budget assigned to them by the victims. The sufferers would not be disturbed, and would be called only on specific meetings, as these lawyers are aware that the victims had to go through a lot of stress and trauma when the attack took place.

It is the right of the victim to claim the compensation amount from the government for all the mishap happened during the terrorist attack on the Twin Tower of world trade centre on November 9, 2001. The amount given by the government would help the claimants get proper medical help and post trauma care for all the suffering they had to undergo.

It thus becomes necessary that the sufferers prove their point in court of law in order to get the compensation amount. In this regard, the claimant is required to showcase medical documents that might include doctor’s prescription, test report and other legal documents that would be required to be presented in court of law.

Article Source : hero of 9/11 terror incident, James Zadroga_121841.aspx

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Zadroga is an act that has been brought out by US Government to provide justice to the victims of asbestos cancer. Jenifer Weinstein is an experienced lawyer with 7 years of experience in representing various cases related to Zadroga Lawsuits and doing justice to the victims.

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Keywords : Zadroga claims, Zadroga lawyer, Zadroga lawsuits, James Zadroga, Zadroga attorney,

Category : Business : Business

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