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Uncertainty and the Cloud

Posted On : Oct-14-2011 | seen (221) times | Article Word Count : 452 |

Today in the time of high uncertainty and acute challenges, Organizations have shifted towards Cloud Computing that has the ability to quickly scale up or down a sales force in times of uncertainty and changing regulation.
Much has been written about uncertainty in the global economy. While economists address employment data, it doesn’t require a person with an advanced degree to recognize that business managers and the decisions they make are impacted by the many factors and emotions that affect the masses.

The uncertainty is real, the challenge acute and the response predictable. Secure your assets, lower risk and adopt strategies and technologies that are faster to implement, minimize commitment, reduce expense and allow management the flexibility to pivot and change direction as market certainty is regained.

Cloud computing is not only a transforming technology it is a concept and strategy with perfect timing. The many advantages of a cloud operating environment generally include:

• Speed and rapid deployment
• Reduction of IT spending and large infrastructure needs
• Leveraging of collective development and applications
• A relatively short-term commitment
• The ability to match, by user, the expense or cost of each generally on a - per user, per month basis.

The ability to quickly scale up or down a sales force in times of uncertainty and changing regulation is a powerful contributor to rapid adaptation of a cloud-based strategies and the proliferation of cloud-based services and applications. Managing and budgeting for a new sales force or the expansion of an existing team can be rapidly planned, implemented and calculated. The emergence of powerful technologies fueled by budget constraints and long-term planning challenges has accelerated the technical shift and business transformation toward virtual and on-demand technologies.

Historical high-value factors such as data security, exact fit solution, integration with other products and competitive advantage have been re-prioritized in the current environment; however it is believed a balance will recur. As external factors become more predictable it seems logical that the best of both worlds will be the lasting elements of new technology road maps.

For an organization looking at cloud computing for a
CRM Solution, answers to the following questions should be contemplated before deciding on a potential vendor:

• What are you looking to achieve in terms of business objectives?
• Will your CRM software implementation be segmented by specialty sales force or deployed enterprise-wide?
• In addition to delivering the CRM software application on-demand, what is the scope of ongoing services that your vendor can provide?
• What are you looking to achieve in terms of the end user experience?
• If your CRM software vendor fails, how can you get your data and in what format?

To learn more about CRM software, CRM for the Life Sciences Industry – Pharma CRM or CRM for Consumer Goods Industry, visit

Article Source : and the Cloud_91931.aspx

Author Resource :
The author is the Founder and CEO of StayinFront, Inc., a Global Vendor of the world's most innovative CRM solutions and Mobile Sales Force Effectiveness Tools. He shows Cloud Computing as the best solution in times of uncertainty and risk; and details out its benefits. For more information on Cloud Computing, Life Sciences CRM, Consumer Goods CRM, visit

Keywords : CRM Solution, Pharma CRM, Life Sciences CRM,

Category : Computers : Software

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