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Ulcer Symptoms and Back Pain

Posted On : Oct-18-2010 | seen (644) times | Article Word Count : 537 |

When diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, the sufferer will have so many questions that require answering as to how it will impact on their life, the symptoms, the daily living during periods of ill health and how to deal with them. There will also be available to use of steroids to bring the inflammation under control.
When diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, the sufferer will have so many questions that require answering as to how it will impact on their life, the symptoms, the daily living during periods of ill health and how to deal with them. There will also be available to use of steroids to bring the inflammation under control. Administered in powerful dosages, the steroids are extra assistance to fight the disease and bring relief to the sufferer as quickly as possible. The course of steroids will still have to be taken once the worst of the symptoms are over as there requires to be a gradual reduction of the dosage to wean the patient off them.

When people encounter discomfort and pain in the abdominal area, there can be a tendency to ignore it or take "over the counter" medication in order to alleviate such symptoms as diarrhea. Whilst they may use these standard medications to try and bring the symptoms under control, they are in fact fighting a battle they cannot win. Varicose veins are caused by the failure of valves in the veins which are responsible for ensuring that blood only flows in one direction around the body. Symptoms include aching legs, frequently accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and typically, this is felt most acutely at night or after exercising.

The patient may also experience cramps after sitting still and making an effort to get up or engaging in sudden movement. In addition, cuts and scrapes to the area may also need a much longer period to heal and they may bleed excessively. Ulcerative colitis, also known as UC, shows up in people of any age. The disease shows up as inflammation in the large intestine with open sores, also known as ulcers. These ulcers usually appear and disappear at random if not treated. Most people who get treatment however can go into periods of remission.

What treatments are available for ulcerative colitis? The first line of drugs helps to control the disease and bring it into a remission state. After that, patients take maintenance drugs to stay in remission. Ulcerative colitis can be considered as maddening illness. So it advised to know more about this as so far not much of the proper reports had been generated of it and the individuals who are bothered about this must know it. The main symptom can be the constant illness which further leads to the depression and causing nervousness. So for the help of such patients there are many doctors who are working for the counseling of the patients along with the help of UC support group.

Ulcerative colitis is a disease characterized by a chronic inflammatory reaction involving the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine. It occurs in both sexes and in all age-groups. The most common feature of ulcerative colitis is persistent or recurring diarrhea. In acute, fulminating disease there is bloody diarrhea preceded by cramping abdominal pain and followed by abdominal distention. The clinical course varies markedly in terms of severity, response to therapy, and prognosis. In general the disease follows one of two patterns: acute remitting type or chronic continuous course.

Article Source : Symptoms and Back Pain _38150.aspx

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Keywords : ulcer symptoms, abdominal area, back pain,

Category : Health and Fitness : Medicine

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