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UK Job Search – Make Sure Your Employers Can Find You

Posted On : Dec-01-2011 | seen (263) times | Article Word Count : 425 |

Anyone taking part in a UK job search needs to consider passive candidate recruitment. This can significantly increase your chances
Anyone taking part in a UK job search needs to consider passive candidate recruitment. This can significantly increase your chances of finding the perfect job for you.

What is Passive Candidate Recruitment?

This just basically means putting your CV online so that employers can find you. This makes you visible to potential employers that may have a job that would suit your individual profile.

Many employers prefer to seek out passive candidates for their positions.
This is a fast and effective way for them to find candidates that have the right skills, experience and qualifications they are looking for.
With this tactic employers do not have to spend time and money wading through the piles of CVs they may get inundated with when advertising the position through newspapers, job centres and recruitment websites.
With passive candidate recruitment job seekers will have a much better chance of finding the job that best compliments their career profile. This is an important part of the UK job search market.

Where to Register Your CV

Anyone involved in a UK job search should already have an up-to-date CV. You can upload this onto various recruitment websites such as Monster, UJob, Jobster, Peoplesearch and CareerBuilder. This will make your CV visible to hundreds of employers who are already actively mining the Internet for the very best candidates out there.

If you are a professional then you should also consider joining networking sites such as LinkedIn. These connect thousands of professionals all around the world from a wide range of industries. Recruitment teams will often head-hunt top candidates through networking sites so this can be very beneficial to your UK job search.

Tips for Your CV

When you are putting your CV online you need to make sure it is getting all the right attention. Here are a few tips for your CV:

Make sure you list your full qualifications to show the range of your credentials.
Experience can often be as important as qualifications. Make sure you list relevant experience to your career and write out your full job title from previous positions.
Many employers are looking for someone who has already completed experience in the position they are looking to fill and so will search for keywords like ‘Marketing Sales Manager’ or ‘Human Resources Officer’.

Article Source : Job Search – Make Sure Your Employers Can Find You_112979.aspx

Author Resource :
You can carry out your own active UK job search online. You should also consider uploading your CV so that potential employers can search you out for positions they need to fill.

Keywords : post a job advertiser advertise,

Category : Business : Business

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