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James Lisi has 6 Published Articles

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Twitter and Social Media Really Can Increase Your Visibility

Posted On : May-14-2010 | seen (507) times | Article Word Count : 632 |

We have been telling you for a while just how important it is to get in on the social media scene to improve Southern California search engine optimization. And a recent story we heard from a friend only goes further to prove our point.
We have been telling you for a while just how important it is to get in on the social media scene to improve Southern California search engine optimization. And a recent story we heard from a friend only goes further to prove our point.

This friend is a regular user of Twitter and one morning managed to attract the attention of an area social media guru. This social media guru liked her tweet so much that he included it in an online article that he was writing and credited her, also including a link to her business. He then sent a tweet mentioning to her that she was included in his online article. She, in turn, tweeted to thank him. Then he tweeted back to let her know about a networking workshop his organization was holding, inviting her to attend.

Are you starting to see how this all works? Those of you who think you do not have time for social media have to remember that you only need devote a small amount of your time to it and you can still get big returns. The interaction we mentioned above was not back-and-forth. If you need help managing a social media initiative, contact Jim Lisi and Increase Visibility, we would be happy to help.

When it comes to Orange County search engine positioning, you really cannot afford to ignore all of the promotional possibilities that are at your fingertips because of social media sites like Twitter. Our friend made a connection (she knew of the social media guru, but he initially knew little of her) and learned about more opportunities for strengthening that connection and meeting others. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, their online interaction was helping both of them to attract more notice from search engines because as we have mentioned that you should take advantage of Google’s inclusion of social networking.

The social media guru who quoted and contacted our friend knew how important it is to give credit where it is due and although this mention was great, no-cost way for our friend to get some publicity, we are fairly certain that he got even more. Why? Because of what our friend did next--she told everyone that she knew about getting her name mentioned in an online article. By sending the link to more than a few friends, she guaranteed that a good number of people she knew would likely see the article and learn more about this social media guru and his services.

As they say, a little flattery goes a long way and this is an important lesson to remember if you are interested in Southern California SEO. We imagine that the attention her received from our friend and her circle of acquaintances would not put anyone’s search engine ranking in Orange County over the top, but we also know that every bit helps. If this social media guru makes a habit of mentioning and promoting others, we are pretty confident that his organization does read the benefits.

And as we have said before, the only way to win the game is to play. So if you have been sitting on the sidelines hearing about other people finding ways to make the most of sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to boost Southern California SEO, now is the time for you to get in on it too.

When you employ the Orange County SEO services of Increase Visibility, we do our best to live up to our name. We will analyze your website to see where its strengths and weaknesses lie and help you figure out the keywords that will get you noticed by search engines. We can also assist you in using social media to promote your products and services.

Article Source : and Social Media Really Can Increase Your Visibility_18830.aspx

Author Resource :
Jim Lisi has great expertise in California search engine optimization. With this great knowledge Jim has written many informative articles on California search engine optimization as well.

Keywords : California search engine optimization, Jim Lisi, California SEO company, Increase Visibility, California SEO firm, website op,

Category : Internet Business : Internet Marketing

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