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Truck Accident Lawyers-Key Elements to a Truck Accident Claim

Posted On : Sep-23-2011 | seen (223) times | Article Word Count : 854 |


Victims of truck accidents may not know what to do after they have been involved in a truck accident. Litigating and settling a truck accident claim can be a horrific experience for some. Don't let this happen to you!

TRUCK ACCIDENT LAWYERS CAN HELPVictims of truck accidents may not know what to do after they have been involved in a truck accident. Litigating and settling a truck accident claim can be a horrific experience for some. Don't let this happen to you! This article will outline some commonly asked questions about truck accidents and give you some insight on what your options are as a victim. Since trucking companies are regulated by both state and federal governments, they are handled differently by the authorities. Any wreck involving a large commercial truck can present dangers not normally seen in a car accident involving two smaller passenger vehicles. Having an experienced attorney on your side is crucial to winning your case or getting the settlement you deserve. truck accident lawyers work hard for you to get you the financial compensation that you as the victim deserve.CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION...Types of truck accidentsTruck accidents occur for various reasons. An accident involving a semi truck and a smaller passenger car are the most common types of truck accidents. When fully loaded, a semi truck can weigh as much as 80,000 lbs and when a collision occurs with a passenger vehicle, weighing on average only 3,000 lbs, the aftermath is usually quite severe. Large semi trucks can have trailers that are extremely long, making turning at an intersection quite difficult. When a truck driver needs to make a turn he must take a very wide approach to ensure that his trailer will clear any objects on the inside of the turn. IF he takes it too wide the cab of the truck might hit a vehicle or pedestrian on the outside of the turn and if he does not go wide enough, the trailer might hit a vehicle or pedestrian inside or his turning radius. Bikers and pedestrians standing at a crosswalk may be struck if the driver does not make the turn properly. Another problem that goes along with a long trailer is the extended blind spots for the operator of the truck. Even with an elaborate mirror system the driver has several blind spots where he or she cannot see other vehicles. If a driver changes lanes with a vehicle next to him in his blind spot, a truck accident can occur.VICTIMS NEED SOMEONE ON THEIR SIDE, FIGHTING FOR THEM...Many truck accidents are the result of negligence of the truck driver. Semi truck drivers are required to have commercial drivers' licenses or CDL'S. They must also keep careful record of exactly how many hours and miles they have driven and traveled in a given day. Truck drivers are only allowed to drive a certain amount of hours before they must rest. It is not uncommon for a truck driver to cheat on the log books or lie about how long they have been driving in order to make more money. This is very dangerous and fatigued driving causes thousands of accidents each year. Another common cause of truck accidents is distracted driving. These types of incidents cause more accidents a year than drunk driving. Other factors in a truck wreck could be faulty safety equipment, tire blowouts, manufacturer defects, brake failure, driving too fast for conditions, and many more.DON'T BE PUSHED AROUND BY A BIG INSURANCE COMPANY!Following a truck accident you will probably be contacted by the trucking companies or the truck driver's insurance company. They will usually try to settle with you quickly; sometimes before the full effects of your injuries are present. This is not advised. Any communication between you and the insurance company should be done so with an attorney present. Many of the insurance adjusters are skilled at baiting you into questions that could release them from guilt. Having an experienced truck accident lawyer with you will ensure that you are not tricked by the insurance adjuster. Another common scam by the insurance company is offering to fix your vehicle right away. This is also not advised as many times your vehicle holds important evidence regarding the case in the extent of its damages. By fixing it right away it might seem like they are doing you a favor when really they are hiding and destroying crucial evidence. A truck accident lawyer will advise you on what is best to do in your unique situation.OUR TRUCK ACCIDENT LAWYERS ARE STANDING BY TO HELP YOUWho is at fault?Many trucking companies use truck drivers on contract labor; this means that they are not employees. The trucking company owns the trucks and the drivers use them and are paid for their time and mileage. When a part of the truck fails and causes a truck accident, the trucking company may be the negligent party and not the truck driver. If an inspection was not done correctly and a defective part was not repaired the driver may not have any fault. In addition to this, the manufacturer of the part may be liable if the defective part caused the accident. In any case it is best to contact a truck accident lawyer to consider your best options with the help of an experienced professional.

Article Source : Accident Lawyers-Key Elements to a Truck Accident Claim_84963.aspx

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The Elite Lawyer Project personal injury lawyers have extensive experience in helping victims of a personal injury accident.Call 877-382-1188 today to speak to our personal injury associates for a free case review.

Keywords : truck accident, truck accident lawyers,

Category : Reference and Education : Legal

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