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Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Posted On : Aug-02-2011 | seen (536) times | Article Word Count : 665 |

Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative arthritis, and is the most common sorts of arthritis. This is the condition which is mostly as a result of wear and tear, and can affect the hands, hips, neck, lower back and knees.
Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative arthritis, and is the most common sorts of arthritis. This is the condition which is mostly as a result of wear and tear, and can affect the hands, hips, neck, lower back and knees. Osteoarthritis is termed degenerative given it steadily worsens over time, and currently there exists no known cure. This sort of arthritis is associated with deterioration of the joints that may also be as a result of means of injury or other joint aches. Listed below are some of the details concerning osteoarthritis.

Signs of Osteoarthritis
The nature of osteoarthritis signs deteriorate over time, that means, the signs go on worsening. There's not actually any difference between hand osteoarthritis warning signs and knee osteoarthritis signs and symptoms. Symptoms are normal with any kind of affected joint. By far the most well known symptom to take a notice of is a pain which could take place during, or post, movement. The sufferer often has the sensation of tenderness upon applying pressure to the afflicted joint. Among the most common hip osteoarthritis symptoms is the feeling of rigidity, after a period of inactivity, specially after getting up in the morning. It is usually common to see among osteoarthritis patients that they become struggling to makes use of the full range of motion to move their joints. Feeling or hearing a grating sensation when joints are used could also be a certain sign of the creation of this disorder. Also, osteoarthritis causes the accumulation of bone spurs around the affected joint, which might be felt as hard lumps.

Moving forward ones, going through other symptoms just like tarry stools, nausea, constipation, drowsiness and discomfort in the abdominal area, can be a justification why the patient has to visit a doctor.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis
• Arthritis Medications
Arthritis medications need to be individualized for everybody. Analgesics, NSAID's, and COX-2 inhibitors are the painkillers useful for joint pain relief to make certain range of motion in the aching joints. Calcium and mineral supplements enables you to reduce osteoporosis. Some natural supplements like chondroitin and glucosamine sulphate are used to minimize cartilage devastation.
• Intra-articular Treatments
Intra-articular corticosteroids may be administered in extreme cases of joint pain and swelling, but long-term and repetitive use really should not be encouraged.
• Physiotherapy and Exercises
Physiotherapy helps with reducing pain, rigidity and improves muscle strength and mobility of joints. Muscle strengthening exercises must be done exactingly, to guide the affected joint. Too much stress on the joints should be avoided whilst exercising, as it might aggravate further degeneration of the cartilage.
• Weight Loss
Weight loss is among the most successful way treat this disorder. Overweight individuals usually put a lot of pressure on the knee, back and hip joints; this further accelerates the weakening of the cartilage. Heading out the extra kilos can substantially arrest the cartilage thinning process.
• Living with Osteoarthritis
Patient education is a really important factor of arthritis management. The sufferer has to be educated about the do's and dont's in activities. Squatting, kneeling, prolonged standing, and sitting cross-legged and lifting heavy weights needs to be avoided. Regular Exercises, weight maintenance and medications must be strictly followed. Several types of braces and aids for the knees and spine can be used supporting the afflicted joints.
• Surgical Management
Advanced osteoarthritis needs medical procedures like arthroscopy, osteotomy, or a total joint replacement surgery.

Prevention is the better cure and it should come from early adulthood. Though we can’t stop aging, it is critical to stop early and disabling aging. Average muscle strengthening exercises carried out consistently. Healthy weight should be maintained with the help of exercises, and it's essential to adopt balanced diet. Healthful eating would help keep the weight off completely so that you can reduce undue stress on the joints. Sports injury as well as other minor injuries should be avoided.

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Keywords : Treatment of Osteoarthritis, Weight Loss, Exercises,

Category : Health and Fitness : Medicine

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