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Top Three Great Deserts of South America

Posted On : Jan-30-2012 | seen (299) times | Article Word Count : 472 |

As amazing as mountains and oceans, which are abundant and easily accessible in South America, there is something about a flat landscape that seems to extend for an indefinite time to capture the heart and imagination of travellers. On your next vacation in South America, then visit one of these three places to have the wonderful feeling of being humiliated by nature.
As amazing as mountains and oceans, which are abundant and easily accessible in South America, there is something about a flat landscape that seems to extend for an indefinite time to capture the heart and imagination of travellers. On your next vacation in South America, then visit one of these three places to have the wonderful feeling of being humiliated by nature.

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
Salt of Bolivia, Lake, Uyuni, is one of the most important tourist destinations of the country. Located in 11.995 feet above the level of the sea in the region of the Highlands, it is not only a point of view very impressive, but the altitude also adds to its exclusivity. Much of its surface contains lithium, which is required and is used for a number of commercial reasons, such as the production of batteries. And, of course, the salt is also processed for sale. In the interest of travellers, the best time to travel to Bolivia and go to the Salar de Uyuni is located in the wet season, when earnings of a thin layer of water in the upper part, the creation of a magnificent natural mirror.

Peruvian coastal desert
The central coast of Peru, though flanked by the Pacific Ocean, is actually a desert. In fact, Lima is the second largest desert in the world after only the Cairo, Egypt, with its more than 8 million people. The capital city often not feels like a desert at all, because too much water is channelled in support of its many urban green parks, and the tall buildings that look like any modern city. However, if you go to the South to the beaches, Paracas to see the Ballestas Islands, or continuation of the Nazca lines and the lagoon of Huacachina oasis, the unit makes it visually evident that the area is a vast desert, dry and Sandy. Have fun with this Huacachina where visitors can take a walk in buggy and learn to sandsurf by the immense dunes!

Atacama desert, Chile
Considered to be the driest desert in the world, it has been said that the Atacama desert has not received even a single drop of rain for more than 400 years! Part of this is because the desert is blocked by the two parties, one by sea and the other by the feeling of the Andes. Situated in the South of Peru before arriving in the capital city of Santiago, the Atacama desert makes a stop unforgettable, as part of any of their travel packages Peru holidays Chile. Plants or animals, almost without calling the desert home, but towards the coast, a selection of birds can be spotted.

Absolute Latin America help you organize best value packages for your Chile holidays and itineraries fully customizable for travel to Bolivia.

Article Source : Three Great Deserts of South America_141120.aspx

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Keywords : Travel, Tours, Latin America Travel, South America Travel, Latin America Tours, Argentina Vacations, Chile Vacations, Peru Va,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Travel and Leisure

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