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Top 9 Hints for Packing and Labeling During a Move

Posted On : Dec-10-2011 | seen (306) times | Article Word Count : 496 |

Labeling your boxes is one of the most overlooked aspects of moving can make a real difference in your stress level on moving day and beyond. If you are organized in how you pack your belongings, you will find that packing and unpacking is quite a bit easier than you thought.
When you are preparing for a move, the most daunting task is packing. You look around at all the items you own and you wonder how you will ever get it all packed up before moving day. If you want to reduce your stress levels related to packing, it is suggested that you hire a professional mover to handle it all for you. However, this service can be pricey, so it’s not something everyone can afford to do.

Fortunately, movers throughout the years have, through trial and error, developed some basic hints that can help you with the packing portion of your move. Some of the more general suggestions include:
• Concentrating on one room at a time
• Making a schedule ahead of time and sticking to it
• Packing items you won’t need first.

Labeling your boxes is one of the most overlooked aspects of moving can make a real difference in your stress level on moving day and beyond. If you are organized in how you pack your belongings, you will find that packing and unpacking is quite a bit easier than you thought. Here are the top nine hints related to labeling, inventorying, and packing in general.

1. Use a thick, black, permanent marker for labeling purposes. Do not use ball point pens, pencils or light-colored markers. These cannot be seen unless you are right on top of the box, which is unhelpful if you are looking for a specific box.

2. Label at least two sides of every box. If you have time, label all four sides so you can identify each box from a distance even if they get turned around.

3. Instead of writing out each the name of each destination room, use abbreviations and number each box in the order you pack them. For instance, if you have a box that goes in your upstairs bathroom and it is the third box you have packed, you might label the box “UPBTH – 3.” This way, you will be able to keep track of every box as it arrives.

4. Establish boxes that need to be unpacked first and label these clearly with “OPEN ME FIRST” text.

5. Clearly mark boxes containing breakable items as “fragile.”

6. Label each box with the category of its contents and the place the items came from. For instance: “Towels – Hall Closet.”

7. On a master clipboard, write down the general contents of each box, its number and its destination room so you can keep track of everything when the boxes are unloaded.

8. When your movers are unloading your boxes, you should check off each box on your clipboard as it is carried into the house. You will be able to identify any missing boxes easily this way.

9. Request that your moving company stack your boxes with the labels out so you can find what you are looking for quickly.

Article Source : 9 Hints for Packing and Labeling During a Move _117035.aspx

Author Resource :
John is a shrewd consumer who writes about personal finance, finding deals, and local consumer home services like: movers & packers Denver, mover San Antonio and mover Atlanta.

Keywords : movers & packers Denver, mover San Antonio, mover Atlanta ,

Category : Home and Family : Home and Family

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