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Top 11 Essential 'Must Do's' for Bloomtools Clients

Posted On : Dec-23-2011 | seen (330) times | Article Word Count : 504 |

This article looks into the top 11 essential tips Bloomtools clients should look into to optimise their website and to get the best possible results online.
1. Sign up for Google Analytics
Within your current website, you have some basic statistics showing in the '' (the back end to your website).  To really test and measure to get the best results from your online presence you need to go the next step.  And that is with Google Analytics -  a FREE traffic monitoring and analysis service, this is an awesome tool that enables you to track visitors, page views, referral sources and conversions all in one single interface. The data from Google Analytics is useful to develop and implement fresh website marketing strategies and understanding the behavior of your website visitors.
To learn more about signing up for Google Analytics go here.  To set it up to run on your website, you simply need to log into the Webconsole, click on 'Settings' then click 'Marketing'. Enter in the UA code (that you got when you signed for Google Analytics) under SEO Options, we will then place it on every page of your website

2. Sign up for Webmaster tools
Google Webmaster Tools is an incredibly powerful instrument for analysing traffic data for your website. Knowing where your traffic is coming from and how they are finding you can help you make important decisions about content and ad campaigns. The best part is, Google Webmaster Tools is easy to sign up for and it's FREE!
To learn more about signing up for Webmaster Tools go here.  To set it up on your website, simply log into the '', click on 'Settings' then click 'Marketing'. To get started simply create a Google Webmaster Tool account and verify your site by adding the meta tag they gave you (when you signed up for Webmaster Tools) to the second field under SEO Options so we can provide you with detailed reports about your pages' visibility on Google.

3. Add your Twitter account into the settings area
Twitter is mainly used by businesses as a way to actively push out messages to your customer base, prospects that are following you and/or to assist you in search engine rankings in google. In its most obvious form, Twitter can be seen as a traffic generation tool, by placing your web address in your profile and in links within your messages.
To help you take advantage of Twitter, we've built a great new feature into ''. Now every time you write an article or blog entry, you can quickly and easily add it to your Twitter account from within the ''.  When you have completed an article or blog entry, it will ask you if you want to send a tweet to your Twitter account and automatically create a link back to your article / blog entry.  To add your Twitter account details, log into the Webconsole, click on 'Settings' then click on 'Marketing' and fill in your details.
Sign up (via your phone or computer) to keep up to date on the Internet by us, and hear any client announcements through our Twitter account –

Article Source : 11 Essential 'Must Do's' for Bloomtools Clients_123647.aspx

Author Resource :
This article was provided to you by Bloomtools, Australasia's leading website developer. With Offices in Melbourne, Newcastle, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Wellington New Zealand. Online business solutions provider – SEO, Websites (with simple to use Content Management System), Email (Database) Marketing and CRM.

Keywords : Email Marketing, Website Design, Web Design Company.,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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