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Tips to crack MAT 2012 – a Comprehensive Guide Management Students

Posted On : Jan-06-2012 | seen (1028) times | Article Word Count : 376 |

MAT – Management Aptitude Test, conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) takes pace four times a year in February, May, September and December.
MAT – Management Aptitude Test, conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA) takes pace four times a year in February, May, September and December. Candidates can opt to take Paper Based Test or the Computer Based Test. This test is comprised of 200 multiple-choice questions selected from different topics. The good news is there is no negative marking for any wrong choice given for a question. In addition, for each there correct answer, candidates will get one mark. However, the marks obtained for the section 'Indian and Global Environment’, marks are given separately in the mark sheet and even these marks are not counted while evaluation composite score. Total marks taken into account are only 160 instead of 200.

Though there is no substitute to practicing and hard work while preparing, there a few tips that can help you attempt the test successfully.

1. The most important tip is to practice as many mock tests as possible. Practicing helps you improve your speed to solve questions.
2. In addition, reading a lot will definitely improve your vocabulary and English language usage. Read newspapers, magazines and other English books. In addition, watch and listen carefully to the English TV programs, movies and news. The most important thing is to watch how each word is used in different contexts.
3. Preparing a schedule is the best way to study. It makes you stick to a routine. It is important to allot time to practice each section.
4. Since getting a clear understanding of mathematical basics is important, you should practice the Math books of 10th and 12th standards. You can also refer to other study materials available in the market.
5. Practice as many questions as you can and learn formulas and tricks to do fast calculation.
6. Practice your multiplication tables, squares, cube roots, fractions, percentage and other arithmetical topics.
7. To practice intelligence section, practice puzzles, quizzes and other such questions. It helps improve your analytical and reasoning power.
8. Practice sample papers and mock tests to improve your timing, speed and accuracy.

Since it is a competition, the more the number of correct answers, the more will be your chances of higher rank among the pass candidates.

Article Source : to crack MAT 2012 – a Comprehensive Guide Management Students_129857.aspx

Author Resource :
Sunita Roy is experienced educational writer presenting her thoughts about MAT 2012 Exam, IGNOU OPENMAT 2012 and Top B Schools in India

Keywords : MAT 2012 Exam, IGNOU OpenMAT 2012, Top B Schools in India,

Category : Reference and Education : College

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