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Tips to Use Quiz As a Teaching Tool

Posted On : Mar-04-2011 | seen (345) times | Article Word Count : 433 |

Over the years, educators use quizzes or multiple choice questions for testing the knowledge of students in an engaging way. These days they use quiz builder and FREE quiz makers for teachers to make a quiz online.
Quizzes have been effectively used as a teaching and learning tool in education. Teachers have often relied on this trusted tool to boost the performance in students as well as to appraise their performance against the set parameters. However, with the changing times the technique of quizzing has changed. Instead of making quizzes manually, teachers these days use quiz builder to make a quiz online. To gauge the abilities their students, teachers use multiple choice quiz maker to modernize the testing efforts for all the grade level. Now-a-days many websites offer FREE quiz maker for teachers.

Today, the students trust Internet and technology more than the books. Hence, teachers try to use the online means such as FREE quiz maker for teachers and make a quiz online.

Students can take the test online and get the instant feedback also. This way they not only get motivated to perform better, but if they fail to perform they get the real time feedback and improve the performance. Teachers can exploit the interest of students for online quizzes and hence they give the assignments and tests with the help of multiple choices quiz maker.

Following tips will help you to use quizzes effectively.

1. Ensure the Computer and Browser is Available

When you make a quiz online for students, make sure that all the students can take the test and the test should run in the browser they are using. If computers are not available to students at home, you can suggest them to take the test in the school.

2. Give a Sample Quiz

Before actually giving the graded assignment, give your students a sample quiz using quiz builder. This way, they will be accustomed to the tool and will follow the instructions at the time of actual graded test.

3. Incorporate Feedback

When you are using quiz builder, try to incorporate feedback for the wrong answers. If the student has answered a question wrongly, he should know what is the right answer and why.

4. Save The Quiz For The Class

Whenever you are creating quizzes online using multiple choices quiz maker, try to save the quiz at the back end so that you can use it in your class for the rest of the students who do not have access to the computer.

Though quizzes cannot replace the class based teaching, yet they can help students prepare for the bigger exams. Moreover, the online quizzes are paperless method of gauging the knowledge of the students. Hence, they are widely used.

Article Source : to Use Quiz As a Teaching Tool_54715.aspx

Author Resource : offers FREE quiz maker for teachers to create private class and add the registered students. Once the students are added they give them the online quiz as assignments.
Make a quiz online , Quiz builder, FREE quiz maker for teachers, multiple choice quiz maker.

Keywords : Make a quiz online, quiz builder, FREE quiz maker for teachers, multiple choice quiz maker,

Category : Computers : Games

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