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Tips for Successful Email Marketing

Posted On : Jul-25-2010 | seen (430) times | Article Word Count : 369 |

The growth of the internet has led to an upsurge in email marketing campaigns which have a huge impact on businesses that use them well.
The growth of the internet has led to an upsurge in email marketing campaigns which have a huge impact on businesses that use them well. The email campaigns are geared toward customers and potential customers as well as other users who might require information from a company. The following are some tips for holding a successful email driven marketing campaign

Requesting For Permission
Unsolicited emails irritate recipients which might lead to a decrease in the company image for it will be deemed less trustworthy by the readers of the emails. Providing check boxes on your website that will give n option for customers to subscribe to your newsletters is a good way of staring a campaign that is long lasting and successful.

Uphold Your Reputation
You should never send too many emails at the same time that might go to bad addresses since you might be blocked by your internet service provider. The email driven marketing campaigns should target potential customers and not the entire population which will ensure low cost and high response rate.

Follow the Law
Some countries such as the US and some European nations have laws that govern the email driven marketing campaigns. They regulate email marketers to get rid of spammers who find random email addresses and send emails to them without consent.

Provide Recipients’ Privacy
The recipients of the email newsletters should be accorded as much protection as possible from spammers and other people who might want to cause harm on them through the email. The subscribers of the newsletters should feel comfortable while offering your company the chance to issue them with emails and this can be done by providing a brief description of your privacy policy which they can read before subscribing.

Use Email Driven Marketing Software
The use of email software will enable you to personalize your email messages as well as segment the niche into smaller and manageable segments which will enable you to send relevant messages to the various recipients that have subscribed for them. The software will also help toy to track the responses and to know the impact of the email driven marketing campaign.

Article Source : for Successful Email Marketing _26839.aspx

Author Resource :
email newsletter
email marketing
email software

Keywords : email newsletter, email marketing, email software,

Category : Business : Marketing

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