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Tips for Choosing a Content Management System

Posted On : Dec-24-2011 | seen (234) times | Article Word Count : 760 |

If for some reason, wordpress won’t work for you, finding the right SEO Content Management System (CMS) for your business can significantly benefit your company.
Note: With wordpress 3.0, this decision just got much easier. Use wordpress.

If for some reason, wordpress won’t work for you, finding the right SEO Content Management System (CMS) for your business can significantly benefit your company, saving you both time and resources. The right SEO CMS can attract invaluable exposure from major search engines across the internet, so long as all prerequisites are met and basic requirements are satisfied.

How to procure a healthy SEO CMS investment that will continue to benefit your company. Before we get into specifics, you may want to compile an inventory of all the current issues you would like to see changed, resolved, enhanced, or eliminated and be sure that the company you are collaborating with is capable of handling and resolving all of your concerns.

Now, it’s obvious that there isn’t a system out there that knows your companies website better than you and your team, so clearly mapping out a hierarchy of the site in the early phases would be a great idea. Be sure to include all of the categories, listings, headings, sub-categories, pages etc, etc. Doing this will provide you with a clear image of your end goal and allow you to see if an SEO CMS is going to be required. Your SEO CMS should be able to accomplish all of the following features and functions:

• The capability of adding distinctive page headings on pages throughout the whole site

• The ability to produce URLs that are easily recognized by popular search engines by utilizing keywords from the home page within the URL.

• Complete access to the site’s chief navigation and the capability to influence and apply code changes if ever necessary

• The capability of easily adding distinct Meta’s such as Meta Keywords, Meta Description,

• Error redirection: Anytime site redirection is required, error 301/302 will appear your SEO CMS should be on top of this issue and have it resolved in minutes, no excuses. If a redirection is required, the problem must be addressed and resolved.

• Must be current and up to date with all W3C standards that can densely influence HTML validation. Watching HTML tags and cutting out lose rear code weight on pages. Not factoring in these basic requirements may not necessarily influence rankings negatively, but will considerably aid the website’s accessibility, if this process is completed correctly, document size should shrink significantly (100kb seems to be a desirable size). This system will improve the overall experience by slashing on site load times.Their systems should dispense SEO statistics for virtually all pages.

Common used statistics usually consist of:

• All keyword rankings on popular search engines
• Inventory of all keywords on each page
• Keyword density for page next to each set
• Number of sub pages beneath primary page
• Overall Page Ranking
• Keyword rankings on major search engines if any Templates and Blueprints

All of the Blueprints should be completely 100% customizable here are some basic factors that you should understand should your SEO CMS be taking advantage of template use. Your SEO CMS should adopt different template styles that can each be associated with different status directories SEO CMS should inquire to you about the preferred template for newly created pages. Though not necessarily directly related to the SEO part of CMS, the following are important features to look out for:

Tech support: Simple, when there’s a problem, you want to be able to contact your CMS to ensure that the problem will be resolved A.S.A.P. you are running a business here. A company with good tech support is definitely something you’re going to want to keep an eye out for.

Site back up: Is your CMS capable of website back-up? This feature is definitely something you’re going to want to look for because it can be a lifesaver should Murphy’s Law decide to step in, consider it an integral insurance policy for a rainy day.

Multiple User Access with varying levels of access? Having multiple user accounts is also a handy feature that definitely comes in handy if you hope to divide workloads amongst team members. Different levels of access ensure that you remain a top administrator with full control, while providing access and permission to other users. Over the course of your read I hope I was able to enlighten you on some core aspects and expectations of SEO CMS, by now, you are prepared enough to choose a CMS that will suit your business’ needs and fit all your requirements.

Article Source : for Choosing a Content Management System_124069.aspx

Author Resource :
Katherine Jones has been working in many search engine optimization companies for several years. He has built a talented team with decades of experience in SEO industry.His passion and high standards echoed across the entire best SEO company.He believes that to become the SEO company, you need to have a good rapport with your client along with timely delivery of services.

Keywords : best SEO company, SEO company,

Category : Internet Business : SEO

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