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Tips On How To Improve Memory

Posted On : May-30-2011 | seen (670) times | Article Word Count : 546 |

The human brain is considered to be one of the most complex machines present in this world. Thus, memory management is not as easy as it is made out to be.
The human brain is considered to be one of the most complex machines present in this world. Thus, memory management is not as easy as it is made out to be. Just as one needs to indulge in physical training programs for body fitness, one needs to take efforts to boost brain power. While searching for how to improve memory, one needs to remember that it all comes down to the vitality and the health of the brain. Whether you are a student who is studying for your exam or a professional looking to stay sharp or even a senior citizen wanting to just preserve your grey matter, there are many tips regarding how to improve memory that can help a person.

Harnessing Brain Power

There is a famous saying that an old dog cannot be taught new tricks. However, when it comes to our brains, scientists have proved this adage wrong. The brain has been discovered to have an unbounded capability to change and adapt. This ability is more commonly known as neuroplasticity. Through right stimulation, the human brain can easily create new neural pathways and adapt to the existing conditions. This ability of the brain holds true in the case of memory as well as learning. One can harness this power to improve memory, enhance cognitive abilities and learn new information.

Tip 1: Just as a nutritious diet is important for an athlete, one can nurture his or her brain only with a good diet and many other healthy habits. Treating body well enhances the data process and information recall. Apart from keeping body fit, physical exercise not only increases brain activity but also reduces the risk for catching memory related disorders such as diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases. Apart from avoiding skimping of exercise, one should avoid being sleep deprived. Whether a person is studying, working or doing some other critical thinking, all are compromised during sleep deprivation. Sleep even helps in consolidating memory.

Tip 2: Instead of just filling your life with serious activities such as chess strategies and New York Times crossword puzzles, one should also have some fun in order to have better memory management skills. If one wants to learn how to improve memory, one should first learn how to have fun. Unlike other activities, friends and fun stimulate multiple regions of our brain, thus activating areas vital to creativity and learning.

Tip 3: One of the worst enemies of our brain is stress. Over time, it destroys not only our brain cells but also damages the hippocampus, which is responsible for new memory formation and retrieving old memories. Thus, one should do regular meditation in order to improve mental sharpness and memorizing ability.

Tip 4: Memory, like muscles, need regular workouts. The more one does so, better is the information retrieval and development of the brain. There are many brain exercises that take our brain on unfamiliar paths and out of its comfort zone. This helps in development of new memory pathways.

These tips are some of the tried and tested ways regarding how to improve memory. However, one should remember that memory improvement has to be done in both ways- improvement of brain health and improvement of the memory skills.

Article Source : On How To Improve Memory_63202.aspx

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How to improve memory offers various memory improvement strategies and exercises online free of charge. One can get access to virtual audio courses provided that comprise of health tips on how to improve memory.

Keywords : improve memory, memory training, memory management, memory,

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