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Tips For Creating A Successful E-Commerce Website

Posted On : Dec-02-2011 | seen (219) times | Article Word Count : 707 |

A good e-commerce website should clearly tell the customer how they will receive their product.
When it comes to selling online, a good e-commerce website comes in handy. This forms your online "shop window" or store where your prospective customers can see your products, and through safe and secure payment gateways, send you money to pay for the products or services. In return, you also use the same internet medium to deliver the purchased item, or use different forms of physical delivery methods.

When setting up shop online, there are a number of considerations you need to make. All of these considerations should be geared towards enhancing your customer experience within your "shop". They should also lead to ensuring that your customers come back more often on top of referring new customers to you. So, what are some of the tips for creating a successful e-commerce website?

A good e-commerce store or website should bring in the customers. It should be eye catching and attractive to the potential customer. On top of this, it should be easy to find. To accomplish this, the website should be search engine optimized, meaning, it should be attractive to the prospective customer as well as to the search engine robots. The search engine robots facilitate its listing on the foremost pages in the search results of the search engines. An example of a search engine is Google. Your site should also be hosted with a reliable web hosting service.

This online store should also be easy to navigate, with pages that load very fast. This saves the customer time, while at the same time not getting them lost within the site. Just like a real life shop, you need to give the customer a head start with clear navigation, product list, offers and prices, all being well displayed. You should also let the customer know what they have in their basket, how much it costs, what they are saving, with the quick search bar within reach.

Make your customers to feel and be assured that their financial and personal details are safe with you. Using secure and trusted payment gateways for your shopping cart, like Paypal, among others, helps give your customers security assurance. A refund policy and / or a money back guarantee should also be included to enforce credibility.

Integrate your pages seamlessly and offer quick navigation options. Also add some tempting offers and quick links in different pages, with advertisements of offers being done on various pages. This can be in form of banners or links. As a result, it encourages visitors to your shop to explore it instead of staying on one page only.

How will it be delivered and by who? Also reassure the customer via email after shopping. If there is a physical product to be delivered, it may take a few days before it gets to them. Some may panic. A follow up and reassurance email gets them all comfortable.

Together with the assurance email, you should also immediately send the product details as soon as an order is completed. This acts as the order confirmation, and helps the user to quickly see if they have purchased the right products, and in the right quantities. The user will be able to correct any errors before the shipping is done.

Photos and images of the products are a must have for effective selling on your web store. On top of listing your products and their corresponding prices, make sure, where possible, to include a clear photo of the product. Visual confirmation by the customer makes them at ease, knowing that they have purchased the right products.

Remember to also tell your customers who the product is for. Don't just list products. Mention who fits what product. For instance, if you have an online cloths shop, let the buyers know what cloth size fits what person, as well as what season is best for what cloths.

So, for an e-commerce website to be said to be effective, it should carry most of these features, which we can sum up as customer privacy, secure payments, ease of navigation, and great service. This translates to a growing number of customers, low abandon rates, trust from your clients and more profits for you.

Article Source : For Creating A Successful E-Commerce Website_113361.aspx

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As competition on the web increases by the day, you will need one of the best business websites and one of the good web developers to succeed in today's tough marketplace.

Keywords : best e-commerce systems, good web developers, best business websites, best business web developers, web developers Newbury, N,

Category : Internet Business : Web Design

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