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Time Clock & Access Control Help To Keep Your Business Secured

Posted On : Dec-20-2011 | seen (470) times | Article Word Count : 359 |

Time Clock and Access Control have become indispensable tools for businesses today that play a significant role in determining the hours worked by their collaborators along with controlling the physical access of people within their facilities respectively.
Time Clock and Access Control have become indispensable tools for businesses today that play a significant role in determining the hours worked by their collaborators along with controlling the physical access of people within their facilities respectively.

Time Clock
Most organisations find the computerised time clock system very befitting for their company. While producing the payroll,the required information is generated by using these reports typically. This is basically an employee tracking system that collects employee Punch IN (time in) and Punch OUT (time out) information and combines and collates it into management reports.
These systems have been made available in different configurations and capacities. You can build a system that matches the size of your organisation. You can also buy computerized time clock systems that support newer biometric registration systems such as finger, hand, and subcutaneous fingerprint readers; proximity, barcode, and magnetic stripe badge readers and even telephone that uses voice recognition.

Access Control
Security is needed by all of us. Even if not pleasant to think, we all need safety at our businesses. Access Control systems provide you with security when it comes to entering and leaving the premises of your place of business. You can avail the facility of exercising full control over your company's entry and exit points. The system is designed in order to help companies control the physical access of people within their facilities.

Different technologies are used for this purpose among which card approach, biometrics or password are the prominent ones. After the user's interaction with equipments, several credentials such as permission in particular areas, among others allowed times are checked. Through this system you can also control access routes and areas within the facility. Integrated solutions for video surveillance, alarm and fires are also plied with the system.

So, what you see here is that there are a multitude of benefits that your company can enjoy on installing these systems. Whether you are concerned with the security of your offices or manufacturing plant, it is time that your company looked into what a biometric access control system and a time clock could do for you.

Article Source : Clock & Access Control Help To Keep Your Business Secured _121919.aspx

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Keywords : Relógio de Ponto, Controle de Acesso,

Category : Computers : Computers

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