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They Worship a tree. Why? Deep lessons for a learning on emotional intelligence. Part-2.

Posted On : Dec-31-2011 | seen (1151) times | Article Word Count : 878 |

Few lessons that emerge out of the observation upon the ‘Peepal tree’. Although it is revered but very few people initiate to plant this tree. According to Hindu beliefs felling this tree shall accrue as a great sin. It contributes Oxygen; round the clock to maintain the ecological balance on this planet.
They Worship a tree. Why? Deep lessons for a learning on emotional intelligence. Part-2.
Last words under Part-1.
Few lessons that emerge out of the observation upon the ‘Peepal tree’.
Although it is revered but very few people initiate to plant this tree.
According to Hindu beliefs felling this tree shall accrue as a great sin.
It contributes Oxygen; round the clock to maintain the ecological balance on this planet.
It lives to fight any adversity at all ends… atop surface of earth and beneath the earth surface.
Birds that defy gravity initiate for its plantation wherever possible within their limited scope and wisdom.
As vegetation it cannot discriminate amongst its beneficiaries.
It is revered.
Considered as a symbol of change and prosperity.
Believed as an abode to subtler forces.
For the services it renders to the community; it seeks nothing.
1. Although it is revered but very few people initiate to plant this tree.
‘Self less Service initiatives’ bring high appreciation to those initiate upon such endeavours… irrespective of the sphere i.e. workplace, society amongst friends or elsewhere… But the fact of observation is to understand that how many of us truly come forward for a selfless service initiative.
2nd important aspect of serious observation is that service initiatives are not confined to spheres of ‘philanthropy’… self less service initiatives could be of great meaning and purpose at dimension where we work for our living. This understanding does not challenge the clear demarcation of the area of responsibility with an individual… nor does it encourage for unwarranted intrusion into territories exclusively prescribed for others.
This 2nd point merely emphasises for development of a self less service oriented insight within any individual; who shall arise on appropriate occasion and through an advance assessment as a wise… and act to encourage and enrich instead of back stabbing fuelled by ‘overzealousness’… Remember that top most drainer of our creative reserve is ‘jealousy’; jealousy acts through highly substantiated causal factors and therefore is able to hijack the wise part from our seat of understanding. A Peepal tree (Ficus religiousa) has none to envy; none to transgress but to innocently function every second to enrich all…
Just Think! When appreciations for such conduct are highest then why do very few initiate for such acts… and Am I the one, who too shy’s to become such a Tree??????
2. According to Hindu beliefs felling this tree shall accrue as a great sin.
Harming such being who relentlessly serve for the cause of others; at times exceeding their prescribed roles is considered as an awful act, equivalent to a ‘sin’. Irrespective of the place and person; where and by whom such acts of compassion and benevolence were getting dispensed.
2nd important aspect to this observation goes that when we become a witness to someone else’s story where the subject that acted as a ‘Peepal’ tree when harmed by other characters then we term the attackers as villains and there arises an element of hatred and anger towards them… this emotion has been experienced by almost all human being on this planet while watching a movie, a play or while listening such tales.
This 2nd point emerges as an eye opener for all of us that why do we then become different human beings when we get engaged into such activity where first we envy of such a person within our own circle and then start attacking him/her by our negative emotions, words or deeds… Do we not engage our sacred self immerse into the devilish villainous and commit the same sin as considered towards felling of a ‘Peepal tree’… While working together it is quite obvious that emotion of all kind subject to their subjects… positive or negative. The positive or negative accomplish their character through their subject as they cast spell on his/her seat of understanding and conspire their divine or nasty intents through them… Consideration here is to asses about the kind of negative emotion that rides our seat of understanding to settle its mean scores… and if at all we are a subject to a negative emotion that is set to assault a Peepal tree within our circles then refrain with all immediacy because we unknowingly are heading to earn a sin that shall malign our seat of understanding for a fair period of time before we shall be able to wash it through and through to reclaim its original status.
Furtherance to it now I make a mention; As promised earlier to my all worthy readers that run into thousands worldwide… two e books were assured for their delivery namely the one on ‘thoughts’ and the other where 12 parts were submitted here in form of articles… as a dialogue by the name… Where is thy bowl? Capacitate to bear more & have as much as u want.
The readers shall have to wait to have the remaining part of this article in the form of an e book comprising of various exercises drawn from the ancient wisdom… that purify and strengthen a being within… 2012 shall see these release soon. Let every moment of yours be a festival to rejoice… my good wishes for the new year. dinesh kumar. Learning under discipline

Article Source : Worship a tree. Why? Deep lessons for a learning on emotional intelligence. Part-2. _127013.aspx

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Keywords : ancient wisdom, inner growth, learning and knowledge, Learning under Discipline, self development, self empowerment, a great ,

Category : Self Improvement : Self Improvement

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