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There are So Many Other Ways to Save Money

Posted On : Oct-11-2011 | seen (288) times | Article Word Count : 692 |

Everything is so expensive these days. As soon as you leave the house, you need to spend money, one way or the other. Whether its travelling from A to B using public transport or via car, quenching your thirst with a bottle of water or perhaps even popping out for a pint of milk.
Given the challenge, I bet we’d all find it quite difficult not spending any money for a whole day. It may work if you trap yourself at home and don’t allow yourself to leave the house, but then you could easily get tempted to have a browse online. There is something that must be built within us where we cannot go a day without spending money. It’s insane, but the need to spend occurs inherently within us. It is hard to stop spending though. Like magpies, we are all attracted to the finer, sparkly things in life. There must be something that is sparked within us when we see something ‘we’ve just got to have’. The truth is we don’t need it, but we have been suckered into believing we do. So, the obvious advice would be, stop spending! In order to have a little bit of money saved for a holiday or something intrinsically important - don’t spend money on mindless tat and save it for that something special.

However, if this seems such a simple notion and you are thinking: “surely I can do more?” then the answer is yes you can! Splashing your cash on meals out and socialising may seem like a fab and fun way to live, but it is surely damaging your pay packet. If you are lucky enough to have a job working for an escort agency or a have a high flying career then it may be possible for you to live such luxuries. However, if you have an abundance of outgoings then it is likely that you are living beyond your means. Cooking at home is not something to frown about. Buying good quality ingredients and experimenting with exotic, spicy, tasty recipes can be fun and rewarding. Want to still socialise with your friends, then you still can. Invite them over, saying that the only thing they need to bring is wine or desert and you’ll provide the food and atmosphere that beats any la-di-da restaurant. You can relax in the comfort of your own home surroundings and nothing quite beats seeing the clean plates of your guests after they’ve enjoyed your meal. The only down-side to this option is you’ll have to the washing up. Soak the pans and leave them to the morning!

Most people will admit that in the morning, we get up, shower get dressed and leave, without much though to eating breakfast or having a hot drink. During the commute you feel the rumbles of an empty tummy and the heavy head of someone who needs their caffeine fix. Tempting it is to spend a couple of quid on a hot, frothy steaming cup of coffee - save the pennies. Invest in a sturdy travel mug, that’ll see you through a duration and make some coffee at home. You may think the morning ritual coffee is a necessity but £2.30 everyday really does add up. That’s almost £45 a month that you could be saving! Finally, this is the tip that is guaranteed ti save you a few pennies. This obviously doesn’t apply to those in escort work, as they are lucky enough to get things paid for them, but it can work for you. Make a packed lunch. Don’t be ashamed to save some money by making your own sandwiches or salads at home. The average lunch cost in the region of £4-£7 depending on where you buy it from. Saving money by bringing in left-overs or buying items like sandwich meat and salad to make your own lunch will save you lots of money. We all know that lunchtimes are a great time for socialising and networking with other people from your office or store, so you may be reluctant to do this. However, considering doing this two or three times a week and you will still notice the difference.

There are so many other ways to save money too. You can find lots of advice about it online. Remember, try to be frugal with money and think rationally about your purchases and you will see the difference in your spending. Happy saving!

Article Source : are So Many Other Ways to Save Money_90807.aspx

Author Resource :
Bradley is a professional writer with experience contributing to editorial pages, online blogs and writing short articles. He is the author of this article on Good Escort Agenc. Find more information on Escort Job here.

Keywords : Good Escort Agency, Escort Job,

Category : Business : Customer Service

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