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The rise of Ruby on Rails Development

Posted On : Oct-08-2010 | seen (736) times | Article Word Count : 377 |

Since the internet revolution, web development has come a long way. Many web development languages have been introduced since then and the trend is still continuing.
Since the internet revolution, web development has come a long way. Many web development languages have been introduced since then and the trend is still continuing. But around 2005, there came a technology that was about to radically change the world of web development. Ruby on Rails was one such language which was about to change the way web applications are developed; that too for the good. Built on a robust MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, Ruby on Rails is an elegant, compact and fun way to build dynamic web applications. Rails are backed up by the robust object oriented language Ruby, on which it is based. It also leverages the extensive patronage of Ruby for Meta programming. It makes optimum use of code generation features, which alleviates to start complete applications and promote agile programming techniques.

Rails development is based on two distinguished features, DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and CoC (Convention over Configuration). DRY means that the information is located in a single, explicit place and doesn’t need to be repeated everywhere. According to CoC philosophy, the developer only needs to specify unconventional aspects of application which reduces the code and also repetition. Rails are remarkable for its extensive use of JavaScript libraries Prototype and for AJAX. Ruby on Rails development also offers a Meta programming method called “scaffolding” which can be used for database backed web applications. First a developer needs to specify and describe how the application database should be used. Then the framework uses these specifications to generate code that the application can use to create, read, update and delete database entries, although in crude state.

Rails have been gracefully accepted by large companies like IBM, Microsoft, Apple, and Sun Microsystems. Sun Microsystems supports a project called JRuby that enables Ruby applications to run in a Java Virtual Machine. Apple Computer has announced that Ruby on Rails will be included in the next release of its flagship operating system, OS X 10.5 (Leopard). And, even Microsoft has included Ruby programming language support in its newest rich-Internet framework, Silverlight. Last but not the least, ruby on Rails is here to stay and continue to reach newer heights in the field of custom software development and web development in coming years.

Article Source : rise of Ruby on Rails Development_36804.aspx

Author Resource :
David Richards works for an custome software development company. Many of his articles showcases the contribution outsourcing has brought into the arena of Ruby on rails development

Keywords : Ruby on Rails,

Category : Computers : Software

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