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The giving and receiving of flowers

Posted On : Jan-29-2012 | seen (144) times | Article Word Count : 536 |

The giving of flowers is a tradition centuries old, atifical plants and trees made of silk are everlasting gifts.
Valentine's day approaches fast. And on Valentine's day one better had, at the barest minimum, give a red rose to the girl(s) you fancy. Not to do so of course would be regarded as churlish and unfeeling no matter how much she protests that she "doesn't do commercial".

Yes of course Valentine's day has been pushed by the flower shops and the card makers as it is a nice boost, coming as it does six weeks after Christmas and New Year which is the previous chance to make a killing, and the next one is Easter which not many bother about anymore. Nevertheless sending flowers on Valentine's day is a must. (An exception is Japan where they have 2 shots at it, Valentines' day is Woman to Man and White day (on 14 March) the Male should respond.)

And the strange thing about sending flowers is that they must be cut flowers. Potted flowers just don't work even though the fact that they will last a lot longer whereas cut flowers have a very limited life span.

The history of St Valentine is an ancient one. There were various Christian martyrs called St Valentine and in 496 AD a Pope Gelasius inaugurated the day which became a day for lovers to express their feelings by the giving of flowers, cards and chocolates. Romantic love was only really acknowledged as part of this in the middle ages where Courtly love, (Love from afar and the loved one usually unattainable) was becoming fashionable.

And of course the giving of flowers has been a tradition for as long as there has been civilization. All ladies naturally like pretty things and what could be prettier than a colorful bunch of freshly cut flowers, with their lovely fresh scent. A huge tradition grew up as to the types of flowers to give and the way to give them each of which had a different meaning or implication. For example red roses are an expression of love, white lilies means you think they are elegant and pure, while yellow roses means good friendship.

There are flowers to give to say congratulations and others to give that say you are in sympathy for their loss. But all these flowers are going to wither and die within a few days.

There is an alternative; artificial flowers. Before you shudder and turn away consider that artificial flowers can be things of great beauty and last forever. Here we are not talking about the cheap mass produced plastic flowers but intricate and delicate flowers created in silk.

Silk flowers are a well liked and everlasting gift so when you present your beloved with a silk red rose (or bunch of silk red roses) she will have these thing of beauty on display to remind you of your love forever.

Of course there is a full range of silk flowers available for every occasion and one only has to look at the range of artificial plants and trees to realize that not all gifts of flowers are of things that will fade but can in fact be gifts that are everlasting and will stay things of beauty forever.

Article Source : giving and receiving of flowers_140581.aspx

Author Resource :
There is a largeartificial plants and trees plus silk flowers to consider when sending a gift.

Keywords : silk plants, silk flowers, gifts, party supplies, gift baskets, flower arrangements, wreaths, plants, wedding, baby shower, , ,

Category : Business : Business

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