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The differences between Paper Spreadsheets & Excel!

Posted On : Sep-17-2011 | seen (277) times | Article Word Count : 534 |

In this article I shall be covering some of the reasons as to why an computer software (Excel) based spreadsheet is better than a paper based spreadsheet.
In this article I shall be covering some of the reasons as to why an computer software (Excel) based spreadsheet is better than a paper based spreadsheet.

Error Correction
If you had a paper based spreadsheet and you made a spelling or statistical error then you would 99% of the time have to start a new spreadsheet and copy all the data into the new one, this takes a lot of concentration and effort to do. If several mistakes are made it can also cost paper and ink costs. It can also be prone to damage based accidents e.g. spilling a cup of tea on it.

Computer (Excel)
If you have an error based in a computer spreadsheet then it can be fixed with a few key presses and a mouse button action or two (depending on the error). This saves time; it also saves money as no paper has been lost/wasted (dependant on print circumstances).

Creating copies of a spreadsheet by hand is a very long and tedious process, even with a photocopier it is hard to print of several copies of a spread sheet. A large spreadsheet can take hours if not days to copy successfully by hand.

Computer (Excel)
Creating copies of a file in Excel is easy, if printing just select more than one copy, if for the file then Ctrl + Alt + S. Now you have multiple copies. With modern printers doing 25-35ppm it can take seconds to print a copy of a spreadsheet.

You would need to create a new spreadsheet. This is extremely time intensive and can be quite hard to do if in mass amounts, also only one person can edit/amend the spreadsheet at a time.

Computer (Excel)
You can multiple people editing the same file, allowing for large spreadsheets to be populated with data in a small amount of time. You can also quickly and easily change the data within the spreadsheet with a click or two of a mouse and a few keystrokes.
Creating statistics and graphs from a spreadsheet by hand takes a considerable amount of time and concentration.

Computer (Excel)
Creating charts and graphs to show statistics within Excel is extremely easy and fast. It takes around 3-5 minutes to produce a color schemed and styled graph from a set of spreadsheets data.

Distributing paper based spreadsheets takes a lot of time and effort as they would have to be posted individually to each recipient and that could take up to 3 days (postage time).

Computer (Excel)
Distribution via PC/Computer can be as quick as a few seconds via email or networked storage systems.

Doing styling and color schemes on a paper based spreadsheet could take a large amount of time and effort to ensure the styling is done correct, it would also cost money for the supplies to color the document.

Computer (Excel)
Styling and color schemes can be applied and modified within Excel in a matter of seconds, from changing the color of a word to the background color of half the spreadsheet!

Article Source : differences between Paper Spreadsheets & Excel!_82909.aspx

Author Resource :
Dave Williams is the author of above article. Learn more about Excel & Microsoft Office with Melton IT. Please visit their website:

Keywords : Microsoft Office with Melton IT, Manchester IT Training, IT Training,

Category : Computers : Software

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