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The benefits of Custom Software Development

Posted On : Oct-08-2010 | seen (670) times | Article Word Count : 376 |

Today the world’s software industry is worth around $400 billion dollars. United states alone account for 42.6% of the global software market's value.
Today the world’s software industry is worth around $400 billion dollars. United states alone account for 42.6% of the global software market's value. Hundreds of thousands of professional are employed in the industry today. There are various types of business houses in the software industry. Companies like Microsoft, IBM, Sybase, EMC, and Oracle provide solutions like Infrastructure software, including operating systems, middleware and databases. Biggies like Oracle, SAP AG, Sage contribute in Enterprise software, the software that automates business processes in finance, production, logistics, sales and marketing. Several companies make contract programming to develop custom software for particular client. Andolasoft is one such company which provides custom software development globally with the help of technologies like Ruby on Rails, CakePHP, .NET etc.
Ruby on Rails development has revolutionized the sphere of web development. Built on MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, this relatively new technology in the field of web development, has appealed to numerous developers Application which normally would have taken months or even years to complete, can now not only be wrapped up within days and months but also with considerably less number of developers. Agile Development Methodology, combined with DRY and CoC, not only helps ruby on rails engineer to develop dynamic web application economically, in less time & code but also facilitates code reusability in the development process.
CakePHP is based on an MVC-like architecture that is both powerful and easy to grasp for developers. Controllers, models and views guarantee a strict but natural separation of business logic from data and presentation layers. Like Ruby on Rails development and CakePHP development framework follows the two key features, DRY or “Don’t Repeat Yourself” and CoC or “Convention over Configuration”
The .NET Framework is a Microsoft contribution and is intended to be used by most applications created for the Windows platform. The .NET Framework is a familiar environment for building, deploying, and running web services and web applications. It supports Visual Basic, Jscript, C++, C# and COBOL. Intermediary languages - like Eiffel, Perl, Python, Smalltalk, etc are also be available for building future .NET Framework applications.
These robust technologies along with others help Andolasoft Inc to cater to the diversified demands of its global clients in the field of custom software development.

Article Source : benefits of Custom Software Development_36806.aspx

Author Resource :
David Richards works for an custome software development company. Many of his articles showcases the contribution outsourcing has brought into the arena of Ruby on rails development

Keywords : Ruby on Rails,

Category : Computers : Software

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