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henrikalm has 15 Published Articles

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The Word of Mouth

Posted On : Feb-06-2012 | seen (309) times | Article Word Count : 361 |

There must be a service or a product that you have heard of through a friend or an acquaintance. In this case, the service received or the product has been either extremely good or then disappointingly bad. No-one usually tells about things that have been okay.
There must be a service or a product that you have heard of through a friend or an acquaintance. In this case, the service received or the product has been either extremely good or then disappointingly bad. No-one usually tells about things that have been okay. I, personally, have stumbled upon awful customer service but also great things that I have told my friends about. Usually, however, it is the negative feedback that reaches the audience. This is why I think it is crucial for companies and service providers to pay extra attention to their service and products.

Few months back a friend of mine was telling me about her renovation and how difficult it was to implement certain things and how certain difficult seeming projects have turned out to be delightfully easy and uncomplicated. One thing she never thought could be so difficult was the installation of kitchen cupboards. She had ordered the service from a low-cost provider and regretted it since. The whole kitchen renovation had cost her the double in the end. Also, in many cases there is some pig hole for the providing company so they aren’t the ones paying for the mix up.The whole kitchen renovation had cost her the double in the end.

However, after that experience, she had a whole new appreciation for a quality service provider which Uunisepät, a fireplace company, proved to be. She never was sure whether or not she should replace her old fireplace with a new one but then she stumbled upon Uunisepät that showed her different options, told her about the importance of air quality and the role of a fireplace in that. They never were too pushy or didn’t show expertise throughout the project. They were always there to answer her questions and go the extra mile to make sure my friend was pleased. She was truly relieved that this time around she didn’t have to worry whether the job was being done.

That experience of hers is why I ordered a fireplace from Uunisepät last week. And I have to say that everything she was praising about them, I can definitely relate to.

Article Source : Word of Mouth_144916.aspx

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Keywords : Uunisepät,

Category : Home and Family : Home Improvement

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