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The VCR--another milestone in the history of modern pornography

Posted On : Dec-24-2011 | seen (250) times | Article Word Count : 425 |

The development of the videocassette recorder--first the technically superior but ill fated Betamax player, and then the more popular VHS videocassette player, was an important milestone in the history of modern pornography. It helped pave the way for today's extreme porn DVD.
The development of the videocassette recorder--first the technically superior but ill fated Betamax player, and then the more popular VHS videocassette player, was an important milestone in the history of modern pornography. It helped pave the way for today's extreme porn DVD.

The VCR brought pornography into the home in a cheap and easy way. A full length porn movie could be contained on a videotape smaller enough to be put in a briefcase, purse, or even a coat pocket, and brought home for viewing at one's convenience. Because it could be viewed in the home, it was private. You no longer had to wait in line at a movie theater where you might be seen by your kid's schoolteacher or the local priest passing by. While there had been porn movies for home viewing before, watching them was cumbersome and expensive, because you needed to set up an 8 mm projector, a projection screen, and know how to properly load and operate the projector, and know what to do if the film broke, etc. The videotape could simply be popped into the VCR, and anyone could just press play. In this way, the VCR experience was very similar top the experience of watching an extreme porn DVD today.

While some viewers bought videotapes with porn movies at adult bookstores, or through the mail, once there was a mass base of VCRs in millions of homes, more and more people were able to rent videotapes of porn movies at video rental stores, most of which offered adult porn videotapes in addition to other, more mainstream films. This greatly increased the availability of pornography, because viewers no longer had to go to separate adult bookstores to acquire the material. Additionally, the greatly increase market for porn films had a direct impact on the insatiable need to produce more films for people to rent. This was only a foreshadowing, of course, of today's porn market, with the easy availability of the extreme porn DVD featuring every variety of sex act imaginable.

The easy availability of porn movies in video rental stores further accelerated pornography becoming mainstreamed and acceptable. Still, few in those early days could have imagined the vast amount and variety of pornography available today on the extreme porn DVD. Fewer and fewer households today may have VCRs, but they will forever represent an important milestone in the history of the development and popular acceptance of pornography. So today, we can say, "The VCR is dead! Long Live the VCR!"

Article Source : VCR--another milestone in the history of modern pornography_123955.aspx

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The easy availability of porn movies in video rental stores further accelerated pornography becoming mainstreamed and acceptable. Still, few in those early days could have imagined the vast amount and variety of pornography available today on the extreme porn DVD. Fewer and fewer households today may have VCRs, but they will forever represent an important milestone in the history of the development and popular acceptance of pornography. So today, we

Keywords : extreme porn DVD,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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