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Harry Yadav has 42 Published Articles

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New Delhi

The Many-folded Benefits of Observational Learning Method

Posted On : Jan-09-2012 | seen (939) times | Article Word Count : 546 |

If we observe the learning behaviors among kids, we can notice that there are basically three kinds of learners- one who learn the things by listening, one who learns by practically participating and the last one who learns by observing the things.
If we observe the learning behaviors among kids, we can notice that there are basically three kinds of learners- one who learn the things by listening, one who learns by practically participating and the last one who learns by observing the things. It is found in different research studies that the percentage of observational learners are is more than auditory or kinesthetic learners. The theory of observational learning was developed by Albert Bandura. In his research study, he conducted a survey on a group of 80 kids who were exposed to different mythological animated films continuously for one week.

The researchers observed the activities of the group for one month before exposing them to these films. After a week again, the kids’ behavior had again been monitored for another one month and found that there was a grave change in their personality and behavior. The research proved that, kids often get influenced by the activity of others and thus try to mime it in their own way. This observational learning is also known as social learning because in it, our surrounding environment and society plays a great role. In this kind of learning, the person performing the behavior is known as the model and the learner is known as the observer.

There is a great difference that lies between observational learning and imitation. In case of imitation, the observer simply mimes the models’ behavior; but in case of observational learning, the learner adopts certain traits of the model. The observational style of learning has number of benefits to offer to the students. Some of the benefits are briefly discussed below:-

1. It helps in creating a supportive environment in the classroom. When kids are given the liberty in the classroom to explore things by their own, they easily started getting a detailed insight into these. This learning process facilitates problem solving skills among students.

2. Society is one of the best learning places for everyone. To learn social skills is one of the vital components to survive in this world. The numerical, language and social skills are learnt by observational learning methods. Moreover, it also promotes self-esteem and self-confidence among kids.

3. Observational learning helps the kids to improve their behavior. For example, if a teacher shows compassion and humbleness in the classroom, the students will automatically develop this trait in them. This in turn, helps in inculcating positive attitude in them.

4. Memory improvement is the primary benefit in children. Imitation and memory go hand in hand in determining the child’s behavior. For instance, children retain the information of their surrounding and then mimic what they see.

5. Although observational learning takes place throughout life, it is particularly vital during childhood, when children learn to respect those in authority. Through observational learning, children imitate their peers. For this reason, parents need to act as role models to ensure their children develop admirable behaviors.

In the developmental process of children, they always need helping hands from the side of the elders so that they can select the right path in life. Thus when your child is mixing up in a particular group or with some people, you should always keep an eye on their activities.

Article Source : Many-folded Benefits of Observational Learning Method_130915.aspx

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Category : Reference and Education : K 12 Education

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