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156 E Jackson St,

The Many Uses Of Online Egg Timers

Posted On : Apr-06-2011 | seen (835) times | Article Word Count : 528 |

Online egg timers are very easy to use and can help alert an individual when it's time to take a break. Especially for busy persons, such software has many uses and can truly be invaluable.
Online egg timers have become very popular for a variety of reasons. The number of hours that a person spends at their computer without taking a break and moving around can cause serious pain and injury to the neck, spine, and lower back.

Parents find using the these systems are a great way to give children a specific time to use their home computers. When an alert occurs, the next child has a turn at the system. A busy mom with food cooking in the oven can set one of up to 3 timers to alert herself when the food is ready to come out of the oven. By setting the alert on speaker mode, you can effectively use the timer to housebreak your puppy.

When a puppy is let out each time the timer goes off, they will begin to go to the door when they hear the timer with no coaxing. This is especially beneficial if you are working from home and may lose track of time. Such audio alerts are also an excellent way to monitor the amount of time that children are watching television, playing video games, or doing homework.

Depending on the program you choose, you will find many features and functions that are available on online egg timers. If you work with different timezones on a regular basis, these programs can be set to provide you the time in another country instantly. Or, you may want an interactive timer that gives you choices and shows visual responses.

Some of the systems allow you to type in what you want to do, such as steep tea, and the timer will automatically set to the time required to accomplish the task. This is very convenient if you are not sure how long it takes to boil a firm egg, steep the perfect cup of tea, or make water boil. The system allows a person to expand their successful multi-tasking efforts easily.

Online egg timers are excellent tools if you are trying to build up your keyboarding speed, or develop a faster pace for performing other computer tasks. To effectively calculate your keyboarding speed, set a timer for 5 minutes and type from a book or newspaper into your word processing program.

After the alarm has sounded, remove the mis-spelled words, grammar errors, and words that don't match what you'd typed from the body of your work. Divide the number of words left by 5.00 and that will give you the number of words that you type per minute.

Online egg timers are also excellent if you want a reminder to stop what you are doing at your computer at regular intervals and exercise. When the alarm sounds, stand up and do some bending, flexing at the knees, waist-turns, and roll your shoulders forward and backward. This will keep your neck, spine and shoulders flexible and will keep the circulation in your body flowing appropriately. It is especially important to take regular exercise breaks from computer work if you feel your legs and feet going to sleep or if your neck gets stiff on a regular basis.

Article Source : Many Uses Of Online Egg Timers_58392.aspx

Author Resource :
Try using an Online Egg Timer today by visiting, the free online timer website. Online Clock has all kinds of free online timers that you can use right in your web browser without downloading or installing any software.

Keywords : internet, software, time management, timers, online timers, egg timers, online clocks,

Category : Internet Business : Internet Business

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