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The Insiders Estimate Apple TV Will Support Facetime And Skype

Posted On : Sep-06-2011 | seen (228) times | Article Word Count : 404 |

American Technology blog Business Insider published an article on Monday saying that recently there were reports that Apple will publish TV products in 2012.
American Technology blog Business Insider published an article on Monday saying that recently there were reports that Apple will publish TV products in 2012. The insiders believe that Apple TV will support Facetime and Skype, but will also face two major problems. The following is the article:

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster reiterated his view that Apple will launch TV products in 2012. The technology industry correspondent Jean-Louis Gassee guessed the future features of Apple TV:

Apple TV will have only two cables, a power line and a coaxial cable. Turning on TV, users only need to enter your Apple ID account, then you can start watching TV. TV listings will be beautifully designed, and easy to browse. If you want to watch channels with costs, then just enter the password. Apple TV will support applications, including games and software such as Facetime and Skyep. In addition, Apple TV can also be synchronized with other iOS devices, and become a WiFi access point through the network of the cable operators.

One major problem of Apple TV is that it needs to support multiple cable systems. Apple TV either supports only a few operators, or will become too complex, resulting in a large number of vulnerabilities. Cable operators have already given up insertable TV, the TV card used to replace the set-top boxes, because providing services in this way is too complicated. Therefore, Apple's future will either rely on cable television operators' support on TV card, or form their own team of engineers for home services.

Apple TV's another big problem is that users will not upgrade the TV as often as consumer electronics products. According to Moore's Law, computer and mobile phone are replaced fast, the users can replace new computers and mobile phones every year or two. However, if a family purchased a big-screen TV, they are unlikely to replace the TV in a short time.

Apple had faced a similar situation in the mobile phone market before: the network operators use different standards, some of the requirements are conflict with each other. But Apple has gradually solved the problem. Mobile phone business has become cheap commercialization, and profit margins become very low, but Apple's device has become a "must buy product". Operators must cooperate with Apple.

As Munster said: "the impact Apple TV to TV makers will be the same as iPhone to phone manufacturers."

Article Source : Insiders Estimate Apple TV Will Support Facetime And Skype_79951.aspx

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