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Nitish Kumar has 40 Published Articles

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New Delhi

The Importance Of Kids Being Nurtured In The Initial Stages

Posted On : Jan-09-2012 | seen (203) times | Article Word Count : 572 |

One day a traveler was walking in a desert where he found a lamp. It was a magic lamp, though it looked like an ordinary lamp. Having recalled the old stories about the popular folk lore about lamp.
One day a traveler was walking in a desert where he found a lamp. It was a magic lamp, though it looked like an ordinary lamp. Having recalled the old stories about the popular folk lore about lamp and the genie, the traveler rubbed the lamp with his shirt and suddenly a genie popped out of the lamp. The genie said to the traveler, “Hello master! I am going to give you one very important instruction and I urge you to follow it thoroughly”. The genie asked the traveler to grab a bunch of pebbles from the sand and to keep it in his pocket. The genie further added that, “Don’t take out the pebbles outside your pocket till tomorrow.

The pebbles will make you happy and sad at the same time, but for that you have to wait till tomorrow”. The instructions given by the genie made the traveler curious and to satisfy the curiosity he asked the genie some questions. But unfortunately, before the traveler got any answer from the genie, he disappeared in a big cloud of sparkling cloudy smoke together with the lamp. The next day when the traveler woke up, he curiously took out the pebbles from the pocket and found that these had been transformed into precious gem stones. As the genie said, he felt at the same time happy and sad. He felt happy, because now he was a rich man, and sad, because he didn’t grab more pebbles.

That’s exactly what happens with education; today’s pebbles will turn into precious gem stones tomorrow, so it is very important to collect as many pebbles as you can today. These pebbles are the basic knowledge that we get in the early years of our life. It forms the foundation for the future and also ensures a prosperous life sparkling like the gems. The school days are thus the most vital part of our life. Being parents and teachers, it is our relentless efforts that beautify the life of the kids. There are different factors that facilitate the academic performance and development of the students.

These factors are briefly discussed below:-

1. To be a competent survivor, the most important need is to keep a healthy body. While preparing the diet charts for the children parents should always remember to keep it balanced with different nutrients. It also impacts the academic performance to a large extent.

2. The second most important thing is to support the child in all walks of life. Parental support works as a booster for the children and also positively encourages them to pursue higher goals in life.

3. Being parents we should always try to provide our kids a positive environment in the home. We can introduce our child to the world of knowledge by setting up one small home library.

4. Encouragement is like fuel for the kids that keep their fire of enthusiasm burning. So it is very important for parents to positively encourage the kids.

5. We should ever pressurize our children. enforcement may lead them to destructive ways and may also impact their psychological stand Offering a secured life to the children depends largely on the parents. So we should try our level best to collect as many pebbles for our kids as possible today so that we can present them with a brighter future ahead.

Article Source : Importance Of Kids Being Nurtured In The Initial Stages_130530.aspx

Author Resource :
This article has been written and posted by the team of OnlineSchoolAdmissions - a portal that provides free of cost consultancy to parents and schools for fast and easy online school admission process. Parents can locate Dps International or Bhatnagar

Keywords : Dps International, Bhatnagar International School Paschim Vihar, Hillwoods Academy,

Category : Reference and Education : Reference and Education

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