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The Fall Survival Garden

Posted On : Dec-09-2010 | seen (436) times | Article Word Count : 403 |

Protogrow Natural Fertlizer - Miracle sea nutrients that make plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables grow like crazy.
I am lucky enough to live where I can grow vegetables in some form or another all year long. I am not sure about you, but this summer was a long and difficult summer for gardening where I live-North Carolina. Some plants produced a lot and others were downright puny.

I had lots of tomatoes and hardly any squash. That made the Mrs. happy, but not me. I love squash. Now, though, it’s time to yank out my summer plants and put in the fall plants. Here is what is on my list to grow in the survival garden this fall:

* Collards
* Spinach
* Kale
* Lettuce
* Broccoli
* Onions
* Garlic
* Mustard Greens

and whatever else I can squeeze in there.
A Few Points about Fall Gardening

Most of these plants are much happier germinating in coolish weather. Which, even though it is technically almost “fall,” we don’t have here yet. That means it is a lot easier for me to start my plants inside, on a windowsill or under a light, and then move them outside as transplants to establish before the cold.Another thing about plants is this: even though these plants like growing in cooler weather, their growth SLOWS DOWN a lot when it gets cold. So, you still want to plant these plants right about NOW so that they have the chance to establish roots and grow nice, big tops before it gets too cold and they slow down. They will still grow, yes they will, but they won’t grow as fast.

Slow growth also means that you will want to plant MORE of each of your different fall crops than you would your summer crops. When you harvest, the plant won’t replenish as quickly.
Before Re-Planting, Add Proto-Grow. Now, I’m definitely biased. I love me some protogrow. (For my plants.) But, this is one true thing you need to know about re-planting your survival garden after growing things in it all summer: you need to re-build your soil. Your plants have sucked all the nutrients out of the soil. So, before you put in your fall garden, make sure to work some compost and protogrow into the soil. Your plants will thank you, and so will your stomach.

Article Source : Fall Survival Garden_44614.aspx

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