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The CCD and Electronic Health Record Implementation

Posted On : Oct-05-2012 | seen (1177) times | Article Word Count : 556 |

Healthcare records and documentation are an important part of the medical experience. Having appropriately updated medical records, which include such important details as your medical history
Healthcare records and documentation are an important part of the medical experience. Having appropriately updated medical records, which include such important details as your medical history, current medications being taken, drug allergies and other such vital information that doctors and hospitals have a need to use in order to properly treat patients.

Now, imagine that you are out of state and find yourself needing to go to the hospital emergency room or visit a doctor while away from your home. In the days of yore, this would mean information would need to be conveyed to the doctor by the patient, possibly leaving out important details that would be forgotten. The clinical care document, or CCD, standards can provide a solution to that problem.

The clinical care document is a standardized format for exchanging electronic medical documentation. Using the CCD, a doctor can look up a patient's information in a variety of healthcare interface engines and almost instantly gain access to the patient's medical records bringing all important information to the doctor's computer. In a healthcare environment, this can lead to fewer misunderstandings between doctor and patient, possibly protecting the patient from bad drug interactions or exposure to medicines to which the patient is allergic.

Precursors of the Clinical Care Document

Before the implementation of CCD, two different standards were used. Those two standards were CDA, or Clinical Document Architecture, and CCR or Continuity of Care Record. If a doctor used one of these standards and the patient was visiting another doctor that used the other, it was impossible for healthcare interface engines to translate between the two. CCD, however, is a sort of hybrid of the two and can operate and translate between CCR and CDA with ease.

Integration of the CCD

The implementation of CCD is still in its fairly early stages, but the format has become much more popular over the last few years, allowing medical providers to utilize the advantages CCD has over the two older standards. For example, the higher level of compatibility and adaptability of CCD makes it a better choice for healthcare providers. Unlike other standards, CCD is understandable by people making it more accessible.

Range of CCD Use

Because CCD is easily understood by both people and computers, there are a wider variety of ways in which CCD encoded information can be accessed, for example it can be accessed through appropriate web portals, healthcare interface engines and various programs purchasable and usable by doctors offices and other healthcare professionals such as emergency rooms, hospitals and pharmacies.

The future uses for CCD are wide open with regards to health record implementation and it is sure that medical providers will continue to discover new and exciting uses for this standardized documentation. In the end, however, it is the patient who truly reaps the benefits of the CCD standard.

Patients and the CCD

For the patient, the clinical care document standard means that the patient will no longer have to physically obtain and bring or have medical records faxed over to a new doctor or other healthcare provider, and it reduces the chance that some vital piece of information will be left out when detailing medical history to the new or different provider making for an overall better healthcare experience.

Article Source : CCD and Electronic Health Record Implementation_232942.aspx

Author Resource :
The author has an immense knowledge on clinical care document. Know more about healthcare interface engines related info in his website.

Keywords : clinical care document, healthcare interface engines,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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