The Best HGH: Sytropin vs. GenF20 vs. GenFX
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HGH, which is a type of protein, is produced in the brain by a gland named the pituitary gland which regulates the aging process of the body. You could look at it as a kind of internal clock that is ticking away your age. At some point, usually around the mid 20’s, this protein production starts to diminish.
Doing whatever it takes to look younger, stay younger and feel younger is a major pastime with many people nowadays, especially those who are in their 40’s. At around that age, the human body starts to show some of its first signs of aging, such as wrinkles or laugh lines, diminishing memory and immune system, lower sex drive and so on. These are all the natural results of aging, which happens because the body slows down the production of HGH or human growth hormones. Fortunately this can be controlled to a great extant, as long as a person follows the necessary steps.
HGH, which is a type of protein, is produced in the brain by a gland named the pituitary gland which regulates the aging process of the body. You could look at it as a kind of internal clock that is ticking away your age. At some point, usually around the mid 20’s, this protein production starts to diminish. By the time you reach your 40’s it can be reduced as much as 30 percent. The good news is that you do not have to be a slave to this internal change of the body. That is where HGH supplements such as Sytropin, GenFX and Gen F20 com in. These three are the top, naturally made HGH supplements in the market today.
If you look at the history of HGH supplements, you will see that there was a time when it was manufactured in a lab, using chemical substances and needed a doctor’s prescription to take. It was only available as an injection that needed to be done by a doctor. The new HGH supplements on the other hand, do not need a doctor’s prescription to take. It either comes in a pill form such as with Gen F20 and Gen FX or as an oral suppository such as Sytropin. Out of these three, Sytropin gets the highest approval rating and it is the only one of the three that is FDA approved. It comes in a spray form which is sprayed under the tongue and kept there for a few minutes.
This is not to say that the other 2 that is, Gen FX and Gen F20 are not good. They also get high marks from users. These 2 come in pill form which makes it easy to consume. The main thing that these entire have in common is that they are extracted from natural sources. None of them need a prescription to take which makes them legal to use, unlike some of the prescription HGH supplements which also cost a lot more to purchase. In fact Sytropin is so confidant of their product that, they are willing to give a free one month trial. The other 2 give a money back guarantee, if you do not like the results.
Deciding on which is the best HGH supplement basically comes down to what your body type is. Some people like the convenience of pills where as others do not mind taking an oral spray such as Sytropin.
Article Source : Best HGH: Sytropin vs. GenF20 vs. GenFX_21262.aspx
Author Resource :
Alexander Malroy has been an avid body builder and has even used Synthetic Human Growth Hormone Pills and GenFX in order to bulk up. When Alex is not researching health related topics and writing for GenFX Releasers.
Keywords :
hgh, health, human growth hormone, health supplements,
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Health and Fitness