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The Basics Of Forex Trading

Posted On : Jul-08-2010 | seen (315) times | Article Word Count : 552 |

Forex trading encompasses the various facets of trading in foreign currencies though decentralized financial markets.
Forex trading encompasses the various facets of trading in foreign currencies though decentralized financial markets. Nowadays there are various companies specializing in foreign currency trading that offer the facilities of currency analysis, best option based on a person's risk appetite and most importantly the luxury of trading by using simple online tools.

The foreign exchange market analyses and formulates the relative values of different currencies. This market is the biggest and the most liquid of financial markets in the world. Forex trading however does contain some risk as it is a volatile market with random fluctuations. Therefore it is important to learn the basics of the market before entering this domain.

Entities that indulge in forex trading include governments, large banks, financial institutions, corporations as well as currency speculators. Forex trading has increased manifold over the past decade especially due to the growing importance of foreign currency as an asset class and a rise in the assets pertaining to pension funds and hedge funds.

Foreign exchange is an Over the Counter market where brokers and traders interact directly with each other; there is no clearing house or a central exchange. The major difference between a stock market and the forex market is that the latter is divided into segments based on access rights.

At the very top of the forex market hierarchy is the inter-bank market, where the difference between bid and ask prices are sharply demarcated and unknown to the external entities.

The Unique Features Of A Foreign Exchange Market Are As Follows:

* High levels of liquidity due to high trading volumes
* Spread out across the geographies
* 24/7 operations except on weekends
* A large variety of parameters that control the rates
* Low profit margins as compared to other trading tools and fixed income tools
* The role of leverage to enhance potential profits based on size of accounts

Can I Trade Forex With A CFD Provider?

CFD (CFDs) is the acronym for Contract for Differences, which essentially is a contract between a buyer and a seller that stipulates conditions to the effect that the seller is liable to pay the buyer the difference between the present value of an asset and the value at the time of contract creation.

If the difference is negative the buyer pays the seller instead. In a nut shell CFD trading is actually a process of derivative trading that allows traders and investors to take full advantage of the rise and fall in prices of the underlying asset class and are used as tools for speculate in those underlying market segments. In short CFD trading on currencies is basically the same as general forex trading.

It is therefore highly recommended that you take time to understand the various nuances of the financial market place and the medium with which you are going to trade before taking a plunge into forex trading. You must try and analyse the forex market, which is a very complex market place using tools such as the International Parity Conditions, Balance of Payment Model or the Asset Market Model. However, none of them provide complete and competent answers to rate fluctuations and volatility.

Article Source : Basics Of Forex Trading_24896.aspx

Author Resource :
Improve your knowledge of Forex trading with free access to a comprehensive six-week education programmed, Trade Sense which includes a 100-page+ guide to Forex and CFD trading. Also available is a huge range of online seminars including Exploring Forex.

Keywords : CFD Trading, CFD, CFDs, Contracts for Difference, Share CFDs, Derivatives, Forex, Stock Indices,

Category : Finance : Finance

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