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The Advantages and Disadvantages of an Online Personal Trainer Certification

Posted On : Apr-22-2011 | seen (273) times | Article Word Count : 559 |

Instead of going regularly to the gym or fitness centers to have a personal trainer certification, get it online with less effort and costs. But there are also disadvantages of getting one.
Did you know that you can actually become a certified personal trainer without ever leaving your home? Yes, it is true. You can become a certified trainer today through Brain Measure's Online Personal Trainer certification program. Just sit in your home and relax. All you need is a few bucks, a computer and an internet connection. A camera or some extra equipment may be required for some.

Here are some advantages to Brain Meaure's Online Personal Trainer program:

1. An Online Personal Trainer Certification can be taken for a minimal cost

Unlike actual courses that will require the use of fitness facilities, online personal trainer certification is relatively cheaper because you will not be using the expensive equipment of the physical certifying institution. You should provide your own equipment if possible or at least do some of the suggested alternatives. Online personal trainer certification programs often cost less than half of the cost of offline courses.

2. An Online Personal Trainer Certification Program is convenient.

When you study at home, you can work around your own schedule. You will no longer have to miss your child's soccer practice or ballet recital. You won't have to worry about getting up at the crack of dawn to make that 8:00 a.m. class. You can even study in your pajamas if you want to.

3. An Online Personal Trainer Certification Program has only a few requirements.

Unlike its offline counterparts, an online personal trainer certification program will not likely require medical reports or other documentation from you. You will generally be accepted as long as you are over 18 and have a GED.

There are some disadvantages for online personal trainer certification as well.

1. You lack the opportunity to learn beyond the program.

Since you are taking the course online, some bits of information and instructions will be missed. Some specialized advice or tips from the experts cannot be found on the online course. This can be overcome, however, by contacting your instructor and asking for extra tips and advice. That's what they are there for.

2. No Physical Teacher.

In the online personal trainer certification, you work at home and have no teacher present; however, if you have questions or need evaluations on your work, there is always someone that you contact. Brain Measures have certified instructors that are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

3. You May Have to Pay for Ongoing Education.

Once you obtain your online personal trainer certification, there will be updated strategies, approaches and exercises that need to be learned. You will very likely have to pay a small fee for these updates, but the good news is, they may be offered at the same online institution that you got your certification from.

For many people, the advantages of obtaining an online personal trainer certification far outweigh any disadvantages. There are a lot of fitness enthusiasts who would love to turn their passion into their profession. You can easily get the job through online personal trainer certification – low cost, more convenient, and with only few requirements. Brain Measures is a global leader in online certification and testing, and will be able to turn your dreams into a reality.

Article Source : Advantages and Disadvantages of an Online Personal Trainer Certification_60187.aspx

Author Resource :
Brainmeasures is a leading Online personal trainer certification site and employment testing company which has helped millions of people achieve their goals by giving them the platform to showcase their knowledge and skills to prospective employers. Brainmeasures online personal trainer course is a complete and comprehensive

Keywords : Online personal trainer certification, personal trainer certification, online personal trainer course, online personal traine,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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