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That Same Old Excuse

Posted On : Aug-18-2011 | seen (644) times | Article Word Count : 413 |

View on the men conduct from the woman Mary.
I often try to take on an intelligent alien mind. I try to imagine a situation where an extraterrestrial being had the knowledge and skills of essay writing and perhaps its superiors have sent it to earth to research and come up with a custom paper detailing the life and conduct of these ‘naïve’ earth dwellers. One thing I know for sure these beings would notice as being peculiar is the manner in which human beings lie; it’s the same old excuses that we use over and over and the amazing fact that their convincing capabilities never die out.
The first universal lie is very popular in men. We won’t hesitate to use it when an opportunity arises, nor will we shy away from using it because my best friend used it twice and got caught in all his attempts. When a man decides that there is a lady around who appears to have an extra point over and above the lady at home, the next move will be to quickly dial the lady at home and tell her that he is going to work late. That single straightforward excuse does the trick. The more I think about this obvious excuse used by the cheating men, the more I tend to see why it always works and the more I get tempted to give it a try. It’s simple! Women think that their spouses are not dumb enough to actually use that trick on them. Well ladies wake up, we are actually that dumb!
I don’t like using the word boss and sleep in the same sentence because of the obvious reason that I will twitch in fear, like I just did! There are those times that you really feel like questioning nature; when you can almost swear that you have just winked and nature interprets that single wink as a whole night worth of sleep and all that goes with it. I retaliate by adding to my disappointment a whole hour worth of sleep. After all, the boss will understand when I describe that freak traffic jam caused by a trailer that blocked the highway for an hour.
When the government funds are siphoned off to some other malicious activities and it turns out there was an informer amongst the swindlers, the best way to cover up such a failed attempt to steal is by staging a typing error within the government press department. Now how can you disapprove of that?

Article Source : Same Old Excuse_74792.aspx

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I am working with research papers and custom essays. My job is essay writing and giving a helping hand to students, who has a problems with writing.

Keywords : education,

Category : Writing and Speaking : Writing

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