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That Could Never Happen to Me. Unfortunately it Can and it Might

Posted On : Dec-14-2009 | seen (703) times | Article Word Count : 612 |

Unfortunately most people take their health for granted. Often times we never realize that we ourselves may not be as healthy as we think. The number one killer in both men and women in the United States alone is heart disease and it is far more common than you think.
“That could never happen to me.” As human beings we’ve come to use this phrase many times in our lifetime. Sometimes we use it to reference not being in the wrong place at the wrong time or perhaps not making the same foolish decisions as others. But most often we use this phrase when speaking of our own health. Unfortunately most people take their health for granted, often times never realizing that we may not be as healthy as we think.

The number one killer in the United States is heart disease. While it may be the leading cause of death for both men and women, we ultimately don’t have to accept it as our fate. Even though we may not be able to avoid certain risk factors like family history or age, there are still key preventative combatants we can use against heart disease and they don’t always have to involve medication.

Six Medication-Free Strategies:

1. Don’t smoke or use any tobacco products. With over 4,800 chemicals, Tobacco smoke is one of the most significant risk factors in developing heart disease. The effects of Tobacco smoke and its chemicals include: narrowing of the arteries, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Risks of having heart attack or stroke increases in woman who take birth control and smoke and in those over the age of 35. Fortunately, if you decide to quit smoking, your risk of heart disease drops dramatically within only one year.

2. Be proactive: Get active. Fit at least 30 to 60 minutes of somewhat intense physical activity into your daily activities. If need be, you can break your workout into ten minute increments. The benefits of these workouts include: weight control, reduction of stress and can also help to prevent or reduce high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes.

3. Maintain a heart happy diet. There are special diets aimed specifically to help protect your heart. An example of such diets is the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or DASH. This particular diet involves eating fruits, veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy products and drinking in moderation while avoiding foods high in fat, cholesterol and salt. This healthy diet can not only help to prevent heart disease, but can even possibly prevent cancer.

4. Maintain a healthy weight. Reducing your weight by just 10% and maintaining it can help to decrease your blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of diabetes.

5. Do health screenings religiously. You should have your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked on a regular basis. These screenings can help you to identify when and whether you may need to take action.

6. Get a Metabolic Health Assessment. This DNA test can help you to better understand and gain control of you own health. This simple test can point out genetic markers you may possess that can possibly increase your health risks. The vital information that personal DNA testing can leave you with can help you to make positive decisions to minimize or reduce your individual health risks in order to improve the quality of your life.

Don’t let yourself fall victim to the phrase “that could never happen to me” by taking your health for granted. Take preventative action now before it’s too late. For more information on how predictive and confidential DNA testing like Metabolic Health Assessments can help you to better understand your personal health risks, visit CyGene Direct. By identifying your possible risks early, you will be able to design a lifestyle around the above six strategies that can help you to stay on top of your health.

Article Source : Could Never Happen to Me. Unfortunately it Can and it Might_6977.aspx

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The author of this article knows all about Personal DNA Testing. He has vast knowledge about DNA testing. He has written many articles on DNA Test.

Keywords : Personal DNA Testing, DNA Test, DNA Testing,

Category : Society : Society

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