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Mumtaz Parveen has 34 Published Articles

Delhi, India.,
Delhi, India.

Text messages aren't limited to personal level, It's a regular tool for businesses

Posted On : Jul-13-2011 | seen (577) times | Article Word Count : 580 |

Use of text messages is not limited to only personal levels. Many organisations use text messages for business promotion.
This article is a little collection of the different ways any sms can be used or being already used. There is absolutely no need to tell you about text messages or sms however the grammatical meaning of text message is any thing written but in general text message means the messages we send through our mobiles or the messages we send using Internet known as text on line. There is a common misconception that sms is more popular among the young age people but some recent studies indicate that in all the demographics text messages are becoming popular among the old age people as well.

Now coming to the point, In the early age of development messages experienced a very slow growth as their were initially some technical problems involved with the messages but after that phase this medium of information has witnessed a very very high growth rates and now hundreds of thousands messages are being sent to mobile in a day across the globe. Now this wast popularity obviously attract business owners or marketing manager to use messages as the promotional medium and this is further supported by the telecoms service providers by allowing businesses a very economic message package.

Very first use of text messages is known to all of us that is for personal use. Normally we send text messages contain fine lines or some personal text to our peer group, to various other people like companies. Telecommunicate service providers offer concessional rates on various messaging packages and normally any mobile owner needs to pay a minimum fixed amount for a message. There are fixed message packages also like for one thousand sms, for five hundred sms or for unlimited sms. Do you know that you can send messages without any charges by using on line message service providers. There is a long list of web sites offering their users to send text messages to any mobile number without any cost. Try it yourself next time you go on Internet.

Apart from this many organisations use messages for their business promotion purpose. They often send their promotional text through sms to thousands of random mobile numbers more often called as bulk sms campaign. This has become a separate segment in the economy and the number or text messaging service provider is quite high providing different types of bulk sms services. Bulk sms campaign can be send by using the combination of sms gateway, sms api, messages sending software and database.

Many organisations use text message service as internal communication and information channels and important information like leave policies, changes in HR policies and notifications regarding work procedures are directly broadcast by text messages. Companies saves a lot of money by doing this as messaging service is quite economic and easy to operate.

Organisations like banks, retail chains use text messages like customer retention and information tool. Any transaction done by bank account instantly flashes over the mobile and customer satisfaction level goes up instantly too. Any new offer of sale information is available over your mobile with no time gap so that you can plan your shopping in advance. Many organisations use text messages to do survey and polls. Like your favorite reality shows asking to vote your favorite characters by just messaging a particular code to a fixed number. Surveys through mobile sms are very fast and saves a lot of time and human efforts.

Article Source : messages aren't limited to personal level, It's a regular tool for businesses _66342.aspx

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The article tells about the features and usage of Bulk SMS Software, send sms via computer, SMS and send text message.

Keywords : Sms, text online, text message, bulk sms,

Category : Communications : Mobile Phones

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