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George Rolf has 9 Published Articles

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Take a Fitness Vacation and Bring Home a New You

Posted On : Dec-22-2011 | seen (157) times | Article Word Count : 474 |

Losing weight and keeping it off requires more than just dieting. At a fitness retreat you can start over, make the necessary lifestyle changes, and come home a healthier person.
If you have ever struggled with weight loss, you know that dieting alone isn't the answer. You can avoid those unhealthy foods, eat plenty of salads, and stick to a boot camp diet plan for a few days, but in the end you return to your old ways and gain all the weight back again. Real, lasting weight loss requires actual lifestyle changes, which are much harder than simply avoiding sugar and fat for a month. Few people really even know how to “eat right.” Should you be avoiding all sugar and carbohydrates? Are there any 'good fats' or are they all unhealthy? What exactly is portion control anyway?

Exercise is another major component of lasting weight loss. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even when sitting still. In our modern world, many people live sedentary lives that including sitting at a work desk all day and then coming home to watch television. Exercise can feel like torture to those that do not enjoy running, swimming, or doing aerobics. The world of fitness can also be terribly confusing. Is it necessary to lift weights, or is just walking everyday enough? What kinds of activities burn the most calories? If you have bad knees or other joint problems, can you still get enough exercise? Most people have trouble sticking to a boot camp fitness plan on their own, even when working with a professional.

Although many people attempt to lose weight and become physically fit each year, most fail. Some people manage to stick to a boot camp diet plan and boot camp fitness routine. A select few people have the resolve and willpower to join a gym, work with a personal trainer, learn new ways to cook and which foods to eat, and continue their quest for health in the face of poor weather and stores and restaurants filled with unhealthy foods. Just a few people succeed in changing their old habits and, essentially, becoming new people. The rest of us give into temptation and slip back into our old ways in time, most of us are doomed to regain any weight we managed to lose.

Sometimes you think that if you could just get away from the desserts and the advertising, the television and the noise of everyday life for a while, you just might be able to do it. That's exactly what a fitness retreat is for. It's a bit like a vacation at a spa, but with a boot camp diet plan and a boot camp fitness routine. You can learn how to live a healthier lifestyle without all the distractions and temptations you suffer at home. Most people leave a fitness retreat with new habits and new ways of thinking about food and exercise, and return home as a new, healthier person.

Article Source : a Fitness Vacation and Bring Home a New You_123306.aspx

Author Resource :
Blogger and freelance author George Rolf has turned his personal experience with boot camp fitness into a fulfilling career. With weekly posts on how to stick to a boot camp diet plan, Rolf helps thousands of readers motivated to continue weight loss and healthy lifestyle efforts.

Keywords : boot camp diet plan, boot camp fitness ,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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