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Bard Ford has 44 Published Articles

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Posted On : Sep-03-2010 | seen (624) times | Article Word Count : 438 |

The town Tarifa is located in Cádiz province in Andalusia situated on the Spanish coast. It is a part of the Costa de la Luz – Coast of light – and faces Morocco.

The town Tarifa is located in Cádiz province in Andalusia situated on the Spanish coast. It is a part of the Costa de la Luz – Coast of light – and faces Morocco.

Tarif Ibn Malik, the Moorish invader, raided Tarifa in 710 and the origin of the town’s name is the name of the invader. The African heritage can be seen in the walled fort at the Guzman castle. This palace was constructed over an alcazar based on Caliph of Cordoba’s orders. Spanish troops used the castle as their garrison for a long period. At present it is used as a museum. This castle got its name after Guzman El Bueno who was instrumental in defending the town when it was invaded in the 12th century.


The average temperatures in a year are as follows:

Maximum – 25 °C in the month of August

Minimum – 13 °C in January-February

Art and Culture

The following are the historical landmarks of this town:

1.The Tarifa castle or “The castle of Guzman the good” is in Tarifa and it is 800 years old. You can see the mountains and the coast of Morocco from the castle’s towers.

2.The medieval walls – there were 3 gates in the 13th century out of which only one remains at present.

3.St. Matthew Church – was constructed in the 16th century over a mosque and is in Gothic style.

4.Baelo Claudia – is the Roman city located in the vicinity which is in ruins.


Garum is a fish-based paste valued by Romans and this is used as a cooking sauce by people who love gastronomy. This sauce is produced in Baelo Claudia which is a Roman town 22 KM away from Tarifa.

Sports and Entertainment

The beaches in this town are – Valdevaqueros, los Lances, Chica and La Caleta. This town is considered as Europe’s windsurfing capital. The beaches - los Lances and Valdevaqueros – are most ideal for practicing the sport.

Other sports that are popular are – horse riding, whale watching and kite-surfing.

The nightlife in the months of summer is thriving and you could spend the evening in the disco bars after a hectic day on the beach.


In the old indoor area there are a number of stalls selling fruits and vegetables whereas in the outer area you can purchase fish. The modern market is open on every Tuesday morning where you can buy ceramics, dried fruit, nuts, etc.

Article Source : - CADIZ _31719.aspx

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Keywords : Tarif Ibn Malik, African heritage,

Category : Travel and Leisure : Travel and Leisure

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