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Symptoms & Treatment of Candida Albicans Yeast Infection

Posted On : Apr-16-2011 | seen (710) times | Article Word Count : 576 |

Candida Albicans is a dimorphic fungus that is sometimes referred as monilia. It is usually present in skin and also found in mucous membranes such as, mouth, vagina or rectum. If this fungus increase, it can travel across the blood vessels and also affect the other parts of your body.
Candida Albicans is a dimorphic fungus that is sometimes referred as monilia. It is usually present in skin and also found in mucous membranes such as, mouth, vagina or rectum. If this fungus increase, it can travel across the blood vessels and also affect the other parts of your body. Candida albicans generally takes two forms, firstly, it exists as oval, single yeast cells, which are reproduced by budding, where as the next form that exists is pseudohyphae. It is composed of chains of cells. However, this fungus takes the benefit of various circumstances in the body. This single cell fungi aggregate and develops toxins, which spread in the blood stream and causes the arrangement of ills. It is a type of yeast that makes its place in the mouth, intestines and usually considered as the part of bowel flora. Candida enters in newborn infants and 90% of all babies show their test positive for candida. Number of factors are responsible that imbalance the organisms in your body and lead to overgrowth of species includes, unbalanced diet, alcohol, hypertension, use of birth control pills, etc.

Candida's symptoms usually appear around the mouth, assortment of signs and symptoms it can produce are huge and affect every bodily system. Some of them are as follows:

1. Muscles and Joint aches.
2. Severe Headaches.
3. Weak memory or poor concentration.
4. Migraines.
5. Exuberant fatigue.
6. Constipation.
7. Burning Teeth.
8. Dry throat.
9. Bad breath.
10. weakness in eye vision.
11. Irregular menses.
12. Feeling sensation of heat at night.

In adults, yeast infections become more common with inflated age. Adults also can have yeast infections around dental plates, in skin folds under the breast and lower abdomen, nail beds, and below other skin folds. Most of these candida infections are superficial and clear up easily with home natural treatment.

People having the weak immune system because of existing diseases such as, steroids, cancers, AIDS. Candida's infection has the lot of chances to occur throughout the entire body and can be a threat to your life. Some of the reasons that may give rise to such yeast infection;

1. Intake of Alcohol: Alcohol is bad for every person's health as it destroys the main good bacteria, and gives rise to Candida infection.
2. Antibiotics: for some time period antibiotics heal you, but they usually come with severe side effects. They do not have the ability to differentiate which bacteria are good for your body and which one is bad, so they affect both. The excessive intake of antibiotics gives rise to the yeast infection.
3. Birth control pills: these pills generally affect your body and create problems because they have some ratio of estrogen hormone that promotes the production of Candida yeast infection.

Treatments for this dimorphic fungus are very easy if it is recognized at early. Firstly, focus
on eliminating the overgrowth of candida. Regularly take more vegetables in your diet, try to avoid sugar and foods that contain simple carbohydrates. Always drink filtered water.

It is very important to keep a flourishing diet at the same time with your treatment. It is recommended that you stay away from cultivated carbohydrate foods such as sugar and white flour. Avoiding these kinds of food will help rate up your care process and make your health better.

Article Source : & Treatment of Candida Albicans Yeast Infection_59468.aspx

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Visit website for more information about candida albicans and yeast infection treatment

Keywords : Candida Albicans, Yeast Infection,

Category : Health and Fitness : Medicine

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